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[Commit-gnuradio] r6103 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simul

From: gnychis
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r6103 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations: . burst_test
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 14:56:13 -0600 (MDT)

Author: gnychis
Date: 2007-08-02 14:56:13 -0600 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 6103

Adding the files for the burst test

                            (rev 0)
    2007-08-02 20:56:13 UTC (rev 6103)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+module chan_fifo_reader 
+  ( reset, tx_clock, tx_strobe, adc_time, samples_format,
+    fifodata, pkt_waiting, rdreq, skip, tx_q, tx_i,
+    underrun, tx_empty ) ;
+    input   wire                     reset ;
+    input   wire                     tx_clock ;
+    input   wire                     tx_strobe ; //signal to output tx_i and 
+    input   wire              [31:0] adc_time ; //current time
+    input   wire               [3:0] samples_format ;// not useful at this 
+    input   wire              [31:0] fifodata ; //the data input
+    input   wire                     pkt_waiting ; //signal the next packet is 
+    output  reg                      rdreq ; //actually an ack to the current 
+    output  reg                      skip ; //finish reading current packet
+    output  reg               [15:0] tx_q ; //top 16 bit output of fifodata
+    output  reg               [15:0] tx_i ; //bottom 16 bit output of fifodata
+    output  reg                      underrun ; 
+    output  reg                      tx_empty ; //cause 0 to be the output
+    // Should not be needed if adc clock rate < tx clock rate
+    // Used only to debug
+    `define JITTER                   5
+    //Samples format
+    // 16 bits interleaved complex samples
+    `define QI16                     4'b0
+    // States
+    parameter IDLE           =     3'd0;    
+       parameter HEADER         =     3'd1;
+    parameter TIMESTAMP      =     3'd2;
+    parameter WAIT           =     3'd3;
+    parameter WAITSTROBE     =     3'd4;
+    parameter SEND           =     3'd5;
+    // Header format
+    `define PAYLOAD                  8:2
+    `define ENDOFBURST               27
+    `define STARTOFBURST            28
+    /* State registers */
+    reg                        [2:0]   reader_state;
+    reg                        [6:0]   payload_len;
+    reg                        [6:0]   read_len;
+    reg                        [31:0]  timestamp;
+    reg                                        burst; //pkt is a continuation 
of prev pkts
+    reg                                        trash; //prev pkt has been 
+    always @(posedge tx_clock)
+    begin
+       if (reset) 
+       begin
+       reader_state <= IDLE;
+       rdreq <= 0;
+               skip <= 0;
+               underrun <= 0;
+               burst <= 0;
+               tx_empty <= 1;
+               tx_q <= 0;
+               tx_i <= 0;
+               trash <= 0;
+       end
+      else 
+       begin
+      case (reader_state)
+      IDLE:
+      begin
+               /*
+                * reset all the variables and wait for a tx_strobe
+                * it is assumed that the ram connected to this fifo_reader 
+                * is a short hand fifo meaning that the header to the next 
+                * is already available to this fifo_reader when pkt_waiting is 
+                */
+               skip <=0;
+               tx_empty <= 1;
+               if (pkt_waiting == 1)
+               begin
+                       reader_state <= HEADER;
+                       rdreq <= 1;
+                       underrun <= 0;
+               end
+               else if (burst == 1)
+                       underrun <= 1;
+       end
+       /* Process header */
+       HEADER:
+       begin
+               //Check Start/End burst flag
+               case ({fifodata[`STARTOFBURST], fifodata[`ENDOFBURST]})
+               2'd0:           burst <= burst;
+               2'd1:           burst <= 0;
+               2'd2:           burst <= 1;
+               default:        burst <= 0;
+               endcase                   
+               //Check trash
+               if (trash == 1 && fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 0)
+               begin
+                       trash <= 1;
+                       skip <= 1;
+                       reader_state <= IDLE;
+                       rdreq <= 0;
+               end
+               else
+               begin 
+                       trash <= 0;
+                       payload_len <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD];
+                       read_len <= 0;
+                       reader_state <= TIMESTAMP;   
+                       rdreq <= 1;
+               end
+      end
+       TIMESTAMP: 
+       begin
+               timestamp <= fifodata;
+               reader_state <= WAIT;
+               rdreq <= 0;
+       end 
+       // Decide if we wait, send or discard samples
+       WAIT: 
+       begin
+               // Let's send it
+               if ((timestamp < (adc_time + `JITTER) && (timestamp > adc_time))
+                       || timestamp == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
+               begin
+                       reader_state <= WAITSTROBE;
+                       trash <= 0;
+               end
+               // Wait a little bit more
+               else if (timestamp > adc_time + `JITTER)
+               begin
+                       reader_state <= WAIT;
+                       trash <= 0;
+               end 
+               // Outdate
+               else
+               begin
+                       trash <= 1;
+                       reader_state <= IDLE;
+                       skip <= 1;
+               end
+       end
+       // Wait for the transmit chain to be ready
+       begin
+               // If end of payload...
+               if (read_len == payload_len)
+               begin
+                       reader_state <= IDLE;
+                       skip <= 1;
+                       tx_empty <= 1;
+               end  
+               else if (tx_strobe == 1)
+               begin
+                       reader_state <= SEND;
+                       rdreq <= 1;
+               end
+       end
+       // Send the samples to the tx_chain
+       SEND:
+       begin
+               reader_state <= WAITSTROBE; 
+               read_len <= read_len + 7'd1;
+               tx_empty <= 0;
+               rdreq <= 0;
+               case(samples_format)
+               `QI16:
+               begin
+                       tx_i <= fifodata[15:0];
+                       tx_q <= fifodata[31:16];
+               end
+               default:
+               begin
+                       tx_i <= fifodata[15:0];
+                       tx_q <= fifodata[31:16];
+               end 
+               endcase
+       end
+       default:
+       begin
+               //error handling
+               reader_state <= IDLE;
+       end
+       endcase
+       end

--- gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations/burst_test/channel_ram.v  
                        (rev 0)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations/burst_test/channel_ram.v  
2007-08-02 20:56:13 UTC (rev 6103)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+module channel_ram 
+       ( // System
+       input txclk,
+       input reset,
+       // USB side
+       input [31:0] datain, 
+       input WR, 
+       input WR_done,
+       output have_space,
+       // Reader side
+       output [31:0] dataout,
+       input RD,
+       input RD_done,
+       output packet_waiting);
+       reg [6:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
+       reg [1:0] which_ram_wr, which_ram_rd;
+       reg [2:0] nb_packets;
+       reg [31:0] ram0 [0:127];
+       reg [31:0] ram1 [0:127];
+       reg [31:0] ram2 [0:127];
+       reg [31:0] ram3 [0:127];
+       reg [31:0] dataout0;
+       reg [31:0] dataout1;
+       reg [31:0] dataout2;
+       reg [31:0] dataout3;
+       wire wr_done_int;
+       wire rd_done_int;
+       wire [6:0] rd_addr_final;
+       wire [1:0] which_ram_rd_final;
+       // USB side
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd0)) ram0[wr_addr] <= datain;
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd1)) ram1[wr_addr] <= datain;
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd2)) ram2[wr_addr] <= datain;
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd3)) ram3[wr_addr] <= datain;
+   assign wr_done_int = ((WR && (wr_addr == 7'd127)) || WR_done);
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(reset)
+                       wr_addr <= 0;
+               else if (WR_done)
+                       wr_addr <= 0;
+               else if (WR) 
+                       wr_addr <= wr_addr + 7'd1;
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if(reset)
+                       which_ram_wr <= 0;
+               else if (wr_done_int) 
+                       which_ram_wr <= which_ram_wr + 2'd1;
+       assign have_space = (nb_packets < 3'd3);
+       // Reader side
+       // short hand fifo
+       // rd_addr_final is what rd_addr is going to be next clock cycle
+       // which_ram_rd_final is what which_ram_rd is going to be next clock 
+       always @(posedge txclk)  dataout0 <= ram0[rd_addr_final];
+       always @(posedge txclk)  dataout1 <= ram1[rd_addr_final];
+       always @(posedge txclk)  dataout2 <= ram2[rd_addr_final];
+       always @(posedge txclk)  dataout3 <= ram3[rd_addr_final];
+       assign dataout = (which_ram_rd_final[1]) ? 
+                                               (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? 
dataout3 : dataout2) :
+                                               (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? 
dataout1 : dataout0);
+       //RD_done is the only way to signal the end of one packet
+       assign rd_done_int = RD_done;   
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if (reset)
+                       rd_addr <= 0;
+               else if (RD_done)
+                       rd_addr <= 0;
+               else if (RD) rd_addr <= rd_addr + 7'd1;
+       assign rd_addr_final = (reset|rd_done_int) ? (7'd0) : 
+                               ((RD)?(rd_addr+7'd1):rd_addr); 
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+          if (reset)
+                       which_ram_rd <= 0;
+               else if (rd_done_int)
+                       which_ram_rd <= which_ram_rd + 2'd1;
+       assign which_ram_rd_final = (reset) ? (2'd0):
+                              ((rd_done_int) ? (which_ram_rd + 2'd1) : 
+       //packet_waiting is set to zero if rd_done_int is high
+       //because there is no guarantee that nb_packets will be pos.
+       assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets != 0) & (~rd_done_int);
+       //assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets > 1) & ((nb_packets == 
+       always @(posedge txclk)
+               if (reset)
+                       nb_packets <= 0;
+               else if (wr_done_int & ~rd_done_int)
+                       nb_packets <= nb_packets + 3'd1;
+               else if (rd_done_int & ~wr_done_int)
+                       nb_packets <= nb_packets - 3'd1;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations/burst_test/strobe_gen.v
--- gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations/burst_test/strobe_gen.v   
                        (rev 0)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/zhuochen/simulations/burst_test/strobe_gen.v   
2007-08-02 20:56:13 UTC (rev 6103)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// -*- verilog -*-
+//  USRP - Universal Software Radio Peripheral
+//  Copyright (C) 2003 Matt Ettus
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+module strobe_gen 
+  ( input clock,
+    input reset,
+    input enable,
+    input [7:0] rate, // Rate should be 1 LESS THAN your desired divide ratio
+    input strobe_in,
+    output wire strobe );
+//   parameter width = 8;
+   reg [7:0] counter;
+   assign strobe = ~|counter && enable && strobe_in;
+   always @(posedge clock)
+     if(reset | ~enable)
+       counter <= #1 8'd0;
+     else if(strobe_in)
+       if(counter == 0)
+        counter <= #1 rate;
+       else 
+        counter <= #1 counter - 8'd1;
+endmodule // strobe_gen

                                (rev 0)
        2007-08-02 20:56:13 UTC (rev 6103)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+module chan_fifo_readers_test();
+// Inputs
+reg reset;
+reg txclock;
+reg [31:0] datain;
+reg [31:0] ttime;
+reg WR;
+reg adcclock;
+reg debug;
+reg WR_done;
+wire [15:0] tx_q;
+wire [15:0] tx_i;
+wire underrun;
+reg [15:0] i ;
+// fifo inputs
+wire skip;
+wire rdreq;
+// fifo ouputs
+wire [31:0] fifodata;
+wire pkt_waiting;
+wire tx_strobe;
+wire tx_empty;
+chan_fifo_reader chan0 (
+   .reset(reset),
+   .tx_clock(txclock),
+   .adc_time(ttime),
+   .skip(skip),
+   .rdreq(rdreq),
+   .pkt_waiting(pkt_waiting),
+   .fifodata(fifodata),
+   //.debug(debug),
+   .tx_q(tx_q),
+   .tx_i(tx_i),
+   .underrun(underrun),
+   .samples_format(4'd0),
+   .tx_empty(tx_empty),
+   .tx_strobe(tx_strobe) );
+// Channel fifo
+   channel_ram tx_data_fifo 
+     (  .reset(reset),
+        .txclk(txclock), 
+        .datain(datain),
+        .WR(WR),
+        .have_space(),
+        .dataout(fifodata),
+        .packet_waiting(pkt_waiting),
+        .RD(rdreq),
+        .WR_done(WR_done), 
+        .RD_done(skip)
+       );
+   strobe_gen strobe_generator(
+      .reset(reset),
+      .enable(1'b1),
+      .clock(txclock),
+      .strobe_in(1'b1),
+      .strobe(tx_strobe),
+      .rate(8'd3) );
+initial begin
+        // Setup the initial conditions
+        reset = 1;
+        adcclock = 0;
+        txclock = 0;
+        datain = 0;
+        WR = 0;
+        i = 0 ;
+        ttime = 0;
+        debug = 0;
+        WR_done = 0;
+        // Deassert the reset
+        #40 reset = 1'b0 ;
+        // Wait a few clocks
+        repeat (5) begin
+          @(posedge txclock)
+            reset = 1'b0 ;
+        end
+        send_packet(9'd128, 2'd2, 32'h0);
+        send_packet(9'd128, 2'd0, 32'hFFFFFFFF);
+        send_packet(9'd128, 2'd1, 32'hFFFFFFFF);
+        send_packet(9'd128, 2'd3, 32'hFFFFFFFF);
+    end
+always@(posedge adcclock) begin
+    ttime <= ttime + 1;
+      #5 txclock = ~txclock ;
+      #6 adcclock = ~adcclock ;
+task send_packet;
+         input [8:0]length;
+         input [1:0] flag;
+         input [31:0] timestamp;
+         begin
+             repeat (length) begin
+                 @(posedge txclock)
+                    WR = 1;
+                 if (i == 0) datain = {3'd0, flag, 18'd0, (4*length - 8)};
+                 else if (i == 1) datain = timestamp;
+                 else datain = i;//{16'hFFFF - i,i};
+                 i = i + 1;
+             end
+             if (length < 128)
+               begin
+                   @(posedge txclock)
+                    WR_done = 1;
+                    WR = 0;
+                   @(posedge txclock)
+                    WR_done = 0;
+                end
+             else
+                @(posedge txclock)
+                    WR = 0;
+             i = 0;
+         end
+         endtask   

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