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[Commit-gnuradio] gr-error-correcting-codes/src/lib/libecc encode...

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] gr-error-correcting-codes/src/lib/libecc encode...
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2006 20:57:44 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/gnuradio
Module name:    gr-error-correcting-codes
Changes by:     Michael Dickens <michaelld>     06/07/05 20:57:44

Added files:
        src/lib/libecc : 

Log message:
        Adding (back) encoder files.


RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++    5 Jul 2006 20:57:44 -0000       1.3
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <encoder_convolutional.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#define DO_PRINT_DEBUG 1
+#include <mld/mld_timer.h>
+#include <mld/n2bs.h>
+static const int g_max_frame_size_bits = 10000000;
+static const int g_max_num_streams = 10;
+void encoder_convolutional::encoder_convolutional_init
+(int frame_size_bits,
+ int n_code_inputs,
+ int n_code_outputs,
+ std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+ bool do_termination,
+ int start_memory_state,
+ int end_memory_state)
+  // do error checking on the input arguments
+  // make sure the frame length makes sense
+  if ((frame_size_bits < 0) | (frame_size_bits > g_max_frame_size_bits)) {
+    std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+      "Requested frame length (" << frame_size_bits <<
+      " bits) must be between 0 and " << g_max_frame_size_bits <<
+      " bits, with 0 being a streaming encoder.\n";
+    assert (0);
+  }
+  // check to make sure the number of input streams makes sense
+  if ((n_code_inputs <= 0) | (n_code_inputs > g_max_num_streams)) {
+    std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+      "Requested number of input streams (" <<
+      n_code_inputs << ") must be between 1 and " <<
+      g_max_num_streams << ".\n";
+    assert (0);
+  }
+  // check to make sure the number of output streams makes sense
+  if ((n_code_outputs <= 0) | (n_code_outputs > g_max_num_streams)) {
+    std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+      "Requested number of output streams (" <<
+      n_code_outputs << ") must be between 1 and " <<
+      g_max_num_streams << ".\n";
+    assert (0);
+  }
+  // make sure the code_generator is the correct length
+  if (code_generators.size () !=
+      ((size_t)(n_code_inputs * n_code_outputs))) {
+    std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+      "Number of code generator entries (" << code_generators.size () <<
+      ") is not equal to the product of the number of input and output" <<
+      " streams (" << (n_code_inputs * n_code_outputs) << ").\n";
+    assert (0);
+  }
+  // create the class frame variables
+  d_frame_size_bits = frame_size_bits;
+  d_n_code_inputs = n_code_inputs;
+  d_n_code_outputs = n_code_outputs;
+  d_do_streaming = (frame_size_bits == 0);
+  d_do_termination = (d_do_streaming == true) ? false : do_termination;
+  // allocate the vectors for doing the encoding.  use memory_t (an
+  // interger type, at least 32 bits) bits to represent memory and the
+  // code, as it makes the operations quite simple the state vectors.
+  // d_states is a "matrix" [#input by #outputs] containing pointers
+  // to memory_t's; this is done to make feedback function properly,
+  // and doesn't effect the computation time for feedforward.  The
+  // issue is that any code with the same feedback can use the same
+  // memory - thus reducing the actual number of memories required.
+  // These overlapping encoders will use the same actual memory, but
+  // given that there is no way to know a-priori where they are, use
+  // pointers over the full I/O matrix-space to make sure each I/O
+  // encoder uses the correct memory.
+  // reference the matrix using "maio(i,o)" ... see .h file.
+  d_states.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, NULL);
+  // code generators (feedforward part) are [#inputs x #outputs],
+  // always - one for each I/O combination.
+  // reference the matrix using "maio(i,o)" ... see .h file
+  d_code_generators.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  // for now, assign the feedback to the "1" for each code - meaning
+  // no feedback.  Set the variable for feedback to "false".
+  // reference the matrix using "maio(i,o)" ... see .h file
+  d_code_feedback.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 1);
+  d_do_feedback = false;
+  // check the input code_generator for correctness & find the memory order
+  // t_max_mem will be the mamimum number of memories used by the generator
+  size_t t_max_mem = 0;
+  // loop over all input streams first, output streams second
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < d_n_code_outputs; n++) {
+    memory_t t_all_inputs_zero = 0;
+    for (size_t m = 0; m < d_n_code_inputs; m++) {
+      size_t t_in_code = d_code_generators[maio(m,n)] =
+       code_generators[maio(m,n)];
+      // check that not all codes for this input are 0
+      t_all_inputs_zero |= t_in_code;
+      // find the memory requirement for this code generator
+      size_t t_code_mem = 0;
+      while (t_in_code != 0) {
+       t_in_code >>= 1;
+       t_code_mem++;
+      }
+      if (t_code_mem > t_max_mem)
+       t_max_mem = t_code_mem;
+    }
+    // check this input to make sure all encoders were not '0'
+    if (t_all_inputs_zero == 0) {
+      std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+       "At least 1 generator code for output " << n+1 <<
+       " must be non-0.\n";
+      assert (0);
+    }
+  }
+  // store the maximum memory order (e.g. "2" -> D^2)
+  d_max_memory = t_max_mem - 1;
+  // make sure the frame length makes sense, #2
+  if ((d_frame_size_bits != 0) & (d_frame_size_bits < d_max_memory)) {
+    std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+      "Requested frame length (" << d_frame_size_bits <<
+      " bit" << (d_frame_size_bits > 1 ? "s" : "") <<
+      ") must be at least 1 memory length (" << d_max_memory <<
+      " bit" << (d_max_memory > 1 ? "s" : "") <<
+      " for this code) when doing block coding.\n";
+    assert (0);
+  }
+  // create the memory mask for this code generator
+  d_max_mem_mask = (2 << d_max_memory) - 1;
+  // set the initial FSM state to 'init'
+  d_fsm_state = fsm_enc_conv_init;
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "Encoder:\n  Mask = " <<
+      n2bs (d_max_mem_mask, d_max_memory+2) <<
+      "\n  Max_Mem = " << d_max_memory << "\n.";
+  }
+  // by default no Feedback;
+  // setup for that from here down:
+  // 1 memory per input; same for init and term states;
+  d_n_memories = d_n_code_inputs;
+  d_memory.assign (d_n_code_inputs, 0);
+  d_init_states.assign (d_n_code_inputs, 0);
+  d_term_states.assign (d_n_code_inputs, 0);
+  // assign input numbers, one per memory
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < d_n_code_inputs; n++)
+    d_input_num[n] = n;
+  // assign d_states' pointers correctly
+  // loop over all I/O streams
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < d_n_code_outputs; n++)
+    for (size_t m = 0; m < d_n_code_inputs; m++)
+      d_states[maio(m,n)] = &(d_memory[m]);
+(int frame_size_bits,
+ int n_code_inputs,
+ int n_code_outputs,
+ std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+ std::vector<int> &code_feedback,
+ bool do_termination,
+ int start_memory_state,
+ int end_memory_state)
+  // call the general init routine, to parse inputs; deal with
+  // feedback after this parsing.
+  encoder_convolutional_init
+    (frame_size_bits,
+     n_code_inputs,
+     n_code_outputs,
+     code_generators,
+     do_termination,
+     start_memory_state,
+     end_memory_state);
+  // need to check the code_feedback to make sure it's valid; need to
+  // update the "d_max_memory" and comment back to the user if
+  // feedback is longer than feedforward.  Otherwise, everything else
+  // is done by the super-class.
+  d_do_feedback = true;
+  // resize the memory and states to the max size, worst case
+  d_memory.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  d_init_states.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  d_term_states.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  d_code_feedback.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  d_input_num.assign (d_n_code_inputs * d_n_code_outputs, 0);
+  // check the code_feedback for correctness & find the memory order
+  // t_max_mem will be the mamimum number of memories used by the
+  // feedback; code_feedback will be in "input" first order, which is
+  // what is required internally.
+  size_t t_max_mem = d_n_memories = 0;
+  memory_t t_all_inputs_one = 0;
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < d_n_code_outputs; n++) {
+    size_t t_n_unique_fb_prev_start = d_n_memories;
+    for (size_t m = 0; m < d_n_code_inputs; m++) {
+      size_t t_save_code = code_feedback[maio(m,n)];
+      size_t t_in_code = t_save_code;
+      // check to make sure (code & 1) == 1; can't do this type of
+      // convolutional encoder without it!
+      if ((t_in_code & 1) != 1) {
+       std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+         "All feedback codes must contain a '1' for the least "
+         "significant bit.\n";
+       assert (0);
+      }
+      // find if this feedback is unique for this input;
+      size_t l_n_unique_fb = t_n_unique_fb_prev_start;
+      while (l_n_unique_fb < d_n_memories) {
+       if (d_code_feedback[l_n_unique_fb] == t_save_code)
+         break;
+       l_n_unique_fb++;
+      }
+      if (l_n_unique_fb == d_n_memories) {
+       // this is a unique feedback;
+       // create new entries for it in d_code_feedback and d_input_num
+       d_code_feedback[l_n_unique_fb] = t_save_code;
+       d_input_num[l_n_unique_fb] = m;
+       // update the "or" of all unique memories
+       t_all_inputs_one |= t_save_code;
+       // find the memory requirement for this code feedback
+       size_t t_code_mem = 0;
+       t_in_code = t_save_code;
+       while (t_in_code != 0) {
+         t_in_code >>= 1;
+         t_code_mem++;
+       }
+       if (t_code_mem > t_max_mem)
+         t_max_mem = t_code_mem;
+       // increase the number of unique feedback codes
+       d_n_memories++;
+      }
+      // create the new entry in d_states
+      d_states[maio(m,n)] = &(d_memory[l_n_unique_fb]);
+    }
+  }
+  // check to see if all the feedback entries were "1", which implies
+  // no feedback; warn the user in that case.
+  if (t_all_inputs_one == 1) {
+    std::cout << "encoder_convolutional: Warning: " <<
+      "No feedback is required, use of the non-feedback constructor "
+      "will provide higher throughput.\n";
+  }
+  // check to see if the feedback's memory requirements are greater
+  // than the feedforward's; warn the user (not sure why, but it seems
+  // like a good idea).
+  if (--t_max_mem > d_max_memory) {
+    std::cout << "encoder_convolutional: Warning: " <<
+      "Feedback using more memory than feedforward.\n";
+    d_max_memory = t_max_mem;
+    // make sure the frame length makes sense, #2
+    if ((d_do_streaming == true) & (d_frame_size_bits < d_max_memory)) {
+      std::cerr << "encoder_convolutional: " <<
+       "Requested frame length (" << d_frame_size_bits <<
+       " bit" << (d_frame_size_bits > 1 ? "s" : "") <<
+       ") must be at least 1 memory length (" << d_max_memory <<
+       " bit" << (d_max_memory > 1 ? "s" : "") <<
+       " for this code) when doing block coding.\n";
+      assert (0);
+    }
+    // create the memory mask for this code generator
+    d_max_mem_mask = (2 << d_max_memory) - 1;
+  }
+(const char** in_buf,
+ char** out_buf)
+  struct timeval t_tp;
+  start_timer (&t_tp);
+  // reset buffer indices
+  d_total_n_enc_bits = d_in_buf_ndx = d_out_buf_ndx =
+    d_in_bit_shift = d_out_bit_shift = 0;
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "Beginning this encode() call; starting parameters.\n";
+    std::cout << "d_n_input_bits_left = " << d_n_input_bits_left << '\n';
+    std::cout << "d_n_output_bits_left = " << d_n_output_bits_left << '\n';
+  }
+  // while there are inputs and outputs left to process ...
+  while ((d_n_input_bits_left != 0) & (d_n_output_bits_left != 0)) {
+    // jump to the correct state in the fsm
+    switch (d_fsm_state) {
+    case fsm_enc_conv_init:
+      // copy the init states to the current memory
+      d_memory = d_init_states;
+      // if not doing streaming, things to do; else nothing more do
+      if (d_do_streaming == false) {
+       // reset the number of encoded bits in this block (which is
+       // used to compare with the number of bits in the frame)
+       d_n_enc_bits = 0;
+      }
+      // move to the 'input' state
+      d_fsm_state = fsm_enc_conv_doing_input;
+      break;
+    case fsm_enc_conv_doing_input:
+      // working through the trellis section which requires input bits
+      // from external sources; loop up to the frame size (before
+      // termination bits, if any), counting down the number of
+      // available input bits.
+      encode_loop (in_buf, out_buf, &d_n_input_bits_left, d_frame_size_bits);
+      // finished this loop; check for jumping to the next state
+      if ((d_n_enc_bits == d_frame_size_bits) & (d_do_streaming == false)) {
+       // jump to another state, depending on termination requirement
+       if (d_do_termination == true) {
+         d_n_enc_bits = 0;
+         d_fsm_state = fsm_enc_conv_doing_term;
+       } else {
+         d_fsm_state = fsm_enc_conv_init;
+       }
+      }
+      break;
+    case fsm_enc_conv_doing_term:
+      // terminating the trellis, trying to get to a specific state;
+      // better get here only when do_termination is true, but check
+      // just in case; lop up to the max memory, counting down the
+      // number of output bits left
+      if (d_do_termination == false) {
+       encode_loop (in_buf, out_buf, &d_n_output_bits_left, d_max_memory);
+       // finished this loop; check for jumping to the next state
+       if (d_n_enc_bits == d_max_memory)
+         d_fsm_state = fsm_enc_conv_init;
+      } else {
+       // should never get here!
+       assert (0);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      // better never get here!
+      assert (0);
+      break;
+      // done (switch) with FSM
+    }
+    // done (while) there are inputs and outputs
+  }
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "Done with this encode() call; ending parameters.\n"
+      "d_in_bit_shift = " << d_in_bit_shift << "\n"
+      "d_out_bit_shift = " << d_out_bit_shift << "\n"
+      "d_in_buf_ndx = " << d_in_buf_ndx << "\n"
+      "d_out_buf_ndx = " << d_out_buf_ndx << "\n"
+      "d_n_input_bits_left = " << d_n_input_bits_left << "\n"
+      "d_n_output_bits_left = " << d_n_output_bits_left << "\n"
+      "d_total_n_enc_bits = " << d_total_n_enc_bits << "\n";
+  }
+    // compute the throughput for this particular function call
+    u_long d_t = end_timer (&t_tp);
+    std::cout << "Completed " << d_total_n_enc_bits <<
+      " bits in " << d_t << " usec => " <<
+      1e6*(((double) d_total_n_enc_bits)/((double) d_t)) <<
+      " b/s\n";
+  }
+(const char** in_buf,
+ char** out_buf,
+ size_t* which_counter,
+ size_t how_many)
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "starting encode_loop.\n";
+  }
+  while (((*which_counter) > 0) & (d_n_enc_bits < how_many)) {
+    if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+      std::cout << "*w_c = " << (*which_counter) << ", "
+       "# enc_bits = " << d_n_enc_bits << " of " << how_many << ".\n"
+       "Getting new inputs.\n";
+    }
+    // get a new input bit per stream, and update the memory;
+    // loop over all inputs, push the current state bit into d_memory
+    // (which is pointed to by d_states, and thus both are updated).
+    for (size_t p = 0; p < d_n_memories; p++) {
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "mem_in[" << p << "] = " <<
+         n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+      d_memory[p] |= get_next_bit (in_buf, d_input_num[p]);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "mem_out[" << p << "] = " <<
+         n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+    }
+    // now encode those inputs using the code generators,
+    // and output a single bit per output stream
+    // loop over all outputs
+    for (size_t q = 0; q < d_n_code_outputs; q++) {
+      memory_t t_out_result = 0;
+      // loop over all inputs, xor'ing the result each time
+      for (size_t p = 0; p < d_n_code_inputs; p++) {
+       memory_t t_c_g = d_code_generators[maio(p,q)];
+       memory_t t_mem = (*(d_states[maio(p,q)]));
+       if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+         std::cout << "b_i = " <<
+           n2bs (t_out_result, d_max_memory+2) <<
+           ", st[" << p << "," << q << "] = " <<
+           n2bs (t_mem, d_max_memory+2) <<
+           ", cg[" << p << "," << q << "] = " <<
+           n2bs (t_c_g, d_max_memory+2) <<
+           ", st[] & cg[] = " <<
+           n2bs (t_mem & t_c_g, d_max_memory+2);
+       }
+       t_out_result ^= (t_mem & t_c_g);
+       if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+         std::cout << ", b_o = " <<
+           n2bs (t_out_result, d_max_memory+2) << '\n';
+       }
+      }
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "b_r = " << n2bs (t_out_result, d_max_memory+2);
+      }
+      // sum the number of set bits, mod 2, for the output bit
+      char t_out_bit = sum_bits_mod2 (t_out_result, d_max_memory);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "t_out_bit = mo2_sum (b_o) = " <<
+         n2bs (t_out_result, 2);
+      }
+      // output this particular bit on this output stream
+      output_bit (t_out_bit, out_buf, q);
+      // increment the input and output indices, if necessary, between
+      // output bits
+      increment_io_indices (true);
+    }
+    // do post-encoding memory mods (e.g. feedback); at a minimum:
+    // must shift memory to get ready for a new input bit, and mask
+    // off any extra bit from shifting (beyond a particular input's
+    // memory bits).
+    update_memory_post_encode ();
+    // increment the input and output counters, if necessary, between
+    // input bits
+    increment_io_indices (false);
+    // increment the number of encoded bits for the current block, and
+    // the total number of bits for this running of "encode()"
+    d_n_enc_bits++;
+    d_total_n_enc_bits++;
+    // decrement the number of input and output bits left
+    d_n_input_bits_left--;
+    d_n_output_bits_left--;
+  }
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "ending encode_loop.\n";
+  }
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "starting update_memory_post_encode.\n";
+  }
+  // update memory with any feedback, then shift up (left) by 1 bit
+  // and mask the memory state to be ready for the next input
+  // loop over all memories, shift the memory left (up) by 1 bit and
+  // mask off any high non-memory bit(s)
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "  doing memory shift and mask:\n";
+  }
+  for (size_t p = 0; p < d_n_memories; p++) {
+    if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+      std::cout << "    mem_in[" << p << "] = " <<
+       n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+    }
+    d_memory[p] = (d_memory[p] << 1) & d_max_mem_mask;
+    if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+      std::cout << "    mem_out[" << p << "] = " <<
+       n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  if (d_do_feedback == true) {
+    if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+      std::cout << "  doing feedback:\n";
+    }
+    // loop over all unique memories, creating the feedback bit for each
+    // and placing those bits in the state's second bit location
+    for (size_t p = 0; p < d_n_memories; p++) {
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "    mem_in[" << p << "] = " <<
+         n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+      // do feedback with current memory
+      // get the memory, and zero out the second bit
+      memory_t t_state = d_memory[p] & (d_max_mem_mask ^ 2);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "    t_state = mem[] & (" << d_max_mem_mask <<
+         " xor 2) = " << n2bs (t_state, d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+      // create the code feedback state
+      memory_t t_fb_state = t_state & (d_code_feedback[p]);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "    t_fb_state = t_state & {fb[" << p << "] == " <<
+         d_code_feedback[p] << "} = " <<
+         n2bs (t_fb_state, d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+      // mod2 sum the feedback state to get the feedback bit value
+      char t_fb_bit = sum_bits_mod2 (t_fb_state, d_max_memory);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "    t_fb_bit = mod2_sum (t_fb_state) = " <<
+         n2bs (t_fb_bit, 2) << "\n";
+      }
+      // place the feedback bit into the second state bit
+      d_memory[p] = t_state | (t_fb_bit << 1);
+      if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+       std::cout << "    mem_out[" << p << "] = t_state | (fb_bit << 1) = " <<
+         n2bs (d_memory[p], d_max_memory+2) << "\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "ending update_memory_post_encode.\n";
+  }
+(const char** in_buf,
+ size_t code_input_n)
+  char ret_val = 0;
+  switch (d_fsm_state) {
+  case fsm_enc_conv_doing_input:
+    ret_val = get_next_bit__input (in_buf, code_input_n);
+    break;
+  case fsm_enc_conv_doing_term:
+    ret_val = get_next_bit__term (code_input_n);
+    break;
+  default:
+    assert (0);
+    break;
+  }
+  return (ret_val);
+(size_t code_input_n)
+  // FIXME: how to figure out which term bit to get?
+  return (d_term_states[code_input_n] & 1);

Index: encoder_convolutional.h
RCS file: encoder_convolutional.h
diff -N encoder_convolutional.h
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ encoder_convolutional.h     5 Jul 2006 20:57:44 -0000       1.3
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include "encoder.h"
+class encoder_convolutional : public encoder
+ * class encoder_convolutional : public encoder
+ *
+ * Encode the incoming streams using a convolutional encoder; This is
+ *     a virtual class which defines the basics of a convolutional
+ *     encoder, but not how input and output bits are handled, nor
+ *     feedback in the encoder.  These features are all defined by
+ *     overriding methods appropriately.
+ *
+ * frame_size_bits: if == 0, then do streaming encoding ("infinite"
+ *     trellis); otherwise this is the frame size in bits to encode
+ *     before terminating the trellis.  This value -does not- include
+ *     any termination bits.
+ *
+ * n_code_inputs:
+ * n_code_outputs:
+ * code_generator: vector of integers (32 bit) representing the code
+ *     to be implemented.  E.g. "4" in binary is "100", which would be
+ *     "D^2" for code generation.  "6" == 110b == "D^2 + D"
+ *  ==> The vector is listed in order for each output stream, so if there
+ *     are 2 input streams (I1, I2) [specified in "n_code_inputs"]
+ *     and 2 output streams (O1, O2) [specified in "n_code_outputs"],
+ *     then the vector would be the code generator for:
+ *       [I1->O1, I2->O1, I1->O2, I2->O2]
+ *     with each element being an integer representation of the code.
+ *
+ * do_termination: valid only if frame_size_bits != 0, and defines
+ *     whether or not to use trellis termination.  Default is to use
+ *     termination when doing block coding.
+ *
+ * start_memory_state: when starting a new block, the starting memory
+ *     state to begin encoding; there will be a helper function to
+ *     assist in creating this value for a given set of inputs;
+ *     default is the "all zero" state.
+ * 
+ * end_memory_state: when terminating a block, the ending memory
+ *     state to stop encoding; there will be a helper function to
+ *     assist in creating this value for a given set of inputs;
+ *     default is the "all zero" state.
+ */
+  inline encoder_convolutional (int frame_size_bits,
+                                    int n_code_inputs,
+                                    int n_code_outputs,
+                                    std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+                                    bool do_termination = true,
+                                    int start_memory_state = 0,
+                                    int end_memory_state = 0)
+  {encoder_convolutional_init (frame_size_bits,
+                              n_code_inputs,
+                              n_code_outputs,
+                              code_generators,
+                              do_termination,
+                              start_memory_state,
+                              end_memory_state);};
+ * Encoder with feedback.
+ *
+ * code_feedback: vector of integers (32 bit) representing the code
+ *     feedback to be implemented (same as for the
+ *     code_generator).  For this feedback type, the LSB ("& 1") must
+ *     be equal to 1 ... the represents the input bit for the given
+ *     encoder, without which there would be no encoding!  Each
+ *     successive higher-order bit represents the output of that
+ *     delay block; for example "6" == 110b == "D^2 + D" means use
+ *     the current input bit + the output of the second delay block.
+ *     Listing order is the same as for the code_generator.
+ */
+  encoder_convolutional (int frame_size_bits,
+                        int n_code_inputs,
+                        int n_code_outputs,
+                        std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+                        std::vector<int> &code_feedback,
+                        bool do_termination = true,
+                        int start_memory_state = 0,
+                        int end_memory_state = 0);
+  virtual ~encoder_convolutional () {};
+ * fsm_enc_conv_t: finite state machine for the convolutional encoder;
+ *     output happens all the time, so that's built-in to each state.
+ *
+ * fsm_enc_conv_init: initialize for a new frame / block; this is already
+ *     done at instantiation, so do it only at the end of a block.
+ *
+ * fsm_enc_conv_doing_input: doing encoding inside the trellis
+ *
+ * fsm_enc_conv_doing_term: termination trellis, if requested
+ */
+  enum fsm_enc_conv_t {
+    fsm_enc_conv_init, fsm_enc_conv_doing_input, fsm_enc_conv_doing_term
+  };
+ * maio(i,o): matrix access into a vector, knowing the # of code
+ *     outputs (from inside the class). References into a vector with
+ *     code inputs ordered by code output.
+ *
+ * 'i' is the first dimension - immediate memory order first - the code input
+ * 'o' is the second dimension - slower memory order second - the code output
+ *
+ * returns ((o*n_code_outputs) + i)
+ */
+  inline size_t maio(size_t i, size_t o) {return ((o*d_n_code_outputs) + i);};
+ * maoi(i,o): matrix access into a vector, knowing the # of code
+ *     inputs (from inside the class). References into a vector with
+ *     code outputs ordered by code input.
+ *
+ * 'o' is the first dimension - immediate memory order first - the code output
+ * 'i' is the second dimension - slower memory order second - the code input
+ *
+ * returns ((i*n_code_inputs) + o)
+ */
+  inline size_t maoi(size_t i, size_t o) {return ((i*d_n_code_inputs) + o);};
+  // methods defined in this class
+  void encoder_convolutional_init (int frame_size_bits,
+                                  int n_code_inputs,
+                                  int n_code_outputs,
+                                  std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+                                  bool do_termination,
+                                  int start_memory_state,
+                                  int end_memory_state);
+  virtual void encode_private (const char** in_buf, char** out_buf);
+  virtual void encode_loop (const char** in_buf, char** out_buf,
+                           size_t* which_counter, size_t how_many);
+  virtual char get_next_bit (const char** in_buf, size_t code_input_n);
+  virtual char get_next_bit__term (size_t code_input_n);
+  virtual void update_memory_post_encode ();
+  // methods which are required by classes which inherit from this
+  // one; primarily just the parts which deal with getting input bits
+  // and writing output bits, changing the indices for those buffers.
+  virtual char get_next_bit__input (const char** in_buf,
+                                   size_t code_input_n) = 0;
+  virtual void increment_io_indices (bool while_encoding) = 0;
+  // variables
+  fsm_enc_conv_t d_fsm_state;
+  bool d_do_streaming, d_do_termination, d_do_feedback;
+  size_t d_n_memories;
+  // code generators and feedback are stored internally in "maXY(i,o)"
+  // order this allows for looping over all a single output and
+  // computing all input parts sequentially.
+  std::vector<memory_t> d_code_generators, d_code_feedback;
+  std::vector<memory_ptr_t> d_states;
+  std::vector<memory_t> d_memory, d_init_states, d_term_states;
+  std::vector<size_t> d_input_num;

RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++    5 Jul 2006 20:57:44 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#define DO_PRINT_DEBUG 1
+#include <mld/mld_timer.h>
+#include <mld/n2bs.h>
+// FIXME: when doing packed, should probably allow user to select how
+// bits are selected, so-as to make sure it's always the same
+// no matter the CPU endianness
+(size_t n_input_bits)
+  assert (0);
+  return (0);
+ * Compute the number of input bits needed to produce
+ * 'n_output' bits.  For convolutional encoders, there is
+ * 1 bit output per bit input per stream, with the addition of a some
+ * bits for trellis termination if selected.  Thus the input:output
+ * bit ratio will be:
+ * 
+ * if (streaming | no termination), 1:1
+ *
+ * if (not streaming & termination), roughly 1:(1+X), where "X" is the
+ * total memory size of the code divided by the block length in bits.
+ * But this also depends on the state of the FSM ... how many bits are
+ * left before termination.
+ *
+ * The returned value will also depend on whether bits are packed, as
+ * well as whether streams are mux'ed together.
+ */
+(size_t n_output_bits)
+  size_t t_n_output_bits, t_n_input_bits;
+  t_n_output_bits = t_n_input_bits = n_output_bits;
+  if (d_do_termination == true) {
+    // not streaming, doing termination; find the number of bits
+    // currently available with no required inputs, if any
+    size_t n_extra = 0;
+    if (d_fsm_state == fsm_enc_conv_doing_term) {
+      n_extra = d_max_memory - d_n_enc_bits;
+    }
+    // check to see if this is enough; return 0 if it is.
+    if (n_extra >= t_n_output_bits)
+      return (0);
+    // remove those which require no input
+    t_n_output_bits -= n_extra;
+    // find the number of frames of data which could be processed
+    size_t t_n_output_bits_per_frame = d_frame_size_bits + d_max_memory;
+    // get the base number of input items required for the given
+    // number of frames to be generated
+    size_t t_n_frames = t_n_output_bits / t_n_output_bits_per_frame;
+    t_n_input_bits = t_n_frames * d_frame_size_bits;
+    // add to that the number of leftover inputs needed to generate
+    // the remainder of the outputs within the remaining frame, up to
+    // the given frame size (since anything beyond that within this
+    // frame requires no inputs)
+    size_t t_leftover_bits = t_n_output_bits % t_n_output_bits_per_frame;
+    t_n_input_bits += ((t_leftover_bits > d_frame_size_bits) ?
+                      d_frame_size_bits : t_leftover_bits);
+  }
+  return (t_n_input_bits);
+(bool while_encoding)
+  // increment the buffer index only for this version, only after
+  // encoding is done and all resulting outputs are stored on the
+  // output streams
+  if (while_encoding == false) {
+    d_out_buf_ndx++;
+    d_in_buf_ndx++;
+  }
+  // nothing to do while encoding, so no else
+#if 0
+// move counters to the next input bit, wrapping to the next input
+// byte as necessary
+  if (++d_in_bit_shift % g_num_bits_per_byte == 0) {
+    d_in_bit_shift = 0;
+    d_in_buf_ndx++;
+  }
+// move counters to the next output bit, wrapping to the next output
+// byte as necessary
+    if (++d_out_bit_shift % g_num_bits_per_byte == 0) {
+      d_out_bit_shift = 0;
+      d_out_buf_ndx++;
+    }
+(char t_out_bit,
+ char** out_buf,
+ size_t t_output_stream)
+  // store the result for this particular output stream
+  // one bit per output item for "ic8" type output
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << ", O_i[" << t_output_stream <<
+      "][" << d_out_buf_ndx << "] = " <<
+      n2bs (out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx], 2);
+  }
+  out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx] = t_out_bit;
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << ", b_out = " << t_out_bit <<
+      ", O_o[" << t_output_stream << "][" << d_out_buf_ndx << "][" <<
+      d_out_bit_shift << "] = " <<
+      n2bs (out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx], 2) << '\n';
+  }
+#if 0
+  std::cout << ", O_i[" << t_output_stream <<
+    "][" << d_out_buf_ndx << "] = " <<
+    n2bs (out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx], g_num_bits_per_byte);
+// packed bits in each output item
+  out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx] |=
+    (t_out_bit << d_out_bit_shift);
+  std::cout << ", b_out = " << t_out_bit <<
+    ", O_o[" << t_output_stream << "][" << d_out_buf_ndx << "][" <<
+    d_out_bit_shift << "] = " <<
+    n2bs (out_buf[t_output_stream][d_out_buf_ndx], g_num_bits_per_byte) << 
+(const char** in_buf,
+ size_t code_input_n)
+  // get a bit from this particular input stream
+  // one bit per output item for "ic8" type input
+  if (DO_PRINT_DEBUG) {
+    std::cout << "I[" << p << "][" << d_in_buf_ndx << "] = ";
+    cout_binary (t_next_bit, g_num_bits_per_byte);
+    std::cout << ", st_i[" << p << "] = ";
+    cout_binary ((*t_states_ptr), d_max_memory+2);
+    std::cout << ", I[" << p << "][" << d_in_buf_ndx << "][" <<
+      d_in_bit_shift << "] = " << t_next_bit <<
+      ", st_o[" << p << "] = ";
+    cout_binary (t_state, d_max_memory+2);
+    std::cout << '\n';
+  }
+   return ((in_buf[code_input_n][d_in_buf_ndx] >> d_in_bit_shift) & 1);
+(size_t code_input_n)
+  return ((d_term_states[code_input_n] >> d_in_bit_shift) & 1);

Index: encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8.h
RCS file: encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8.h
diff -N encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8.h
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8.h     5 Jul 2006 20:57:44 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "encoder_convolutional.h"
+ * class encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8 : public encoder_convolutional
+ *
+ * Encode the incoming streams using a convolutional encoder,
+ *     "feedforward" or feedback.  Optional termination, data
+ *     streaming, and starting and ending memory states.
+ *
+ * input is "ic8": streams of char, one stream per input as defined by the
+ *     instantiated code, using all 8 bits in the char.
+ *
+ * FIXME: need to have inputs for MSB or LSB first input and output.
+ *
+ * output is "ic8": streams of char, one stream per output as defined by the
+ *     instantiated code, using all 8 bits in the char.
+ */
+class encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8 : public encoder_convolutional
+  inline encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8 (int frame_size_bits,
+                                       int n_code_inputs,
+                                       int n_code_outputs,
+                                       std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+                                       bool do_termination = true,
+                                       int start_memory_state = 0,
+                                       int end_memory_state = 0)
+    : encoder_convolutional (frame_size_bits,
+                            n_code_inputs,
+                            n_code_outputs,
+                            code_generators,
+                            do_termination,
+                            start_memory_state,
+                            end_memory_state) {};
+  inline encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8 (int frame_size_bits,
+                                       int n_code_inputs,
+                                       int n_code_outputs,
+                                       std::vector<int> &code_generators,
+                                       std::vector<int> &code_feedback,
+                                       bool do_termination = true,
+                                       int start_memory_state = 0,
+                                       int end_memory_state = 0)
+    : encoder_convolutional (frame_size_bits,
+                            n_code_inputs,
+                            n_code_outputs,
+                            code_generators,
+                            code_feedback
+                            do_termination,
+                            start_memory_state,
+                            end_memory_state) {};
+  virtual ~encoder_convolutional_ic8_ic8 () {};
+  virtual size_t compute_n_input_bits (size_t n_output_bits);
+  virtual size_t compute_n_output_bits (size_t n_input_bits);
+  virtual char get_next_bit__input (const char** in_buf,
+                                   size_t code_input_n);
+  virtual char get_next_bit__term (size_t code_input_n);
+  virtual void output_bit (char t_out_bit, char** out_buf,
+                          size_t t_output_stream);
+  virtual void increment_io_indices (bool while_encoding);
+  virtual void update_memory_post_encode ();

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