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[Cogitatio-interface] sorority

From: Penelope Rollins
Subject: [Cogitatio-interface] sorority
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 19:21:47 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Then I took some tissue stuff and tried to make some sort of rigged stamp pad.
Then some noticeably non-dog squawking occurred.
ketchup, mustard, mayo. That really creeped me out, I wouldn't even let people see me applying deoderant, which I hid inside my pillow. It really freaked me out because I thought we were going to tip over, so I pushed him away with my oar, but he continued to ram into us. The counsellor tried to tell me that the camp's dog, a golden retriever who I later noticed would hump any seated camper in site, had recently peed where my head was. Now with out further explanation, I must stop my eyeballs from bleeding by getting away from the computer as fast as possible. right behind my jaw sort of.
No, it's not a lymph node.
He told him to go to his cabin and put another shirt on, but poor shirtless kid said he didn't have any other shirts.
I got a nifty little stamp set.
Either way, that's one colored squeeze bottle sauce I can trust, even if it has several aliases. I am going to try to embrace the whole idea of whoring the fact it's my birthday and see where it gets me. He'd gotten into a nest of bunnies whose mum had unwisely placed her nest against the wall of the garage.
I was even able to become friends with one of my bunk mates, a girl named Lindsay. I got a nifty little stamp set.
On the way there I started getting tunnel vision so I wanted to lay down, and did, under a nice big tree. Has the entertainment industry learned anything from Napster?
It really freaked me out because I thought we were going to tip over, so I pushed him away with my oar, but he continued to ram into us. The first night there I laid in my bed, and listened to the squeaks of my fellow campers' bunks and plastic mattresses until the reveille sounded the next morning. MUST be Chesed Oriented.
As an addendum to previous post, I must brag that Lindsay and I won a canoe race a few days later.
MUST be Chesed Oriented.
We never came close to using all the mustard in the bowl.
It's still a lot better than nothin'. MUST be Chesed Oriented.
The noise sent me up to my feet and headed in his direction.
As an addendum to previous post, I must brag that Lindsay and I won a canoe race a few days later. I don't understand why they couldn't just have a bottle of mustard for each table and refill the bottle with their crappy camp-grade mustard. Not getting religion, of course, but goodies at a rummage sale. We never came close to using all the mustard in the bowl. MUST be Chesed Oriented. On the way there I started getting tunnel vision so I wanted to lay down, and did, under a nice big tree. Each day at camp we would get an hour to do what ever we wanted, and Lindsay and I chose to canoe.

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