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[Classpathx-javamail] Bug: gnu.mail.util.QPOutputStream encodes linebrea

From: Andy Wu
Subject: [Classpathx-javamail] Bug: gnu.mail.util.QPOutputStream encodes linebreaks
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:14:08 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)


I believe I've found a bug in the QPOutputStream code. When it comes across a line break both "\r\n" and "=0D=0A" are being output resulting in extraneous new lines.

The fault appears to lie in the write( int b ) method. If b=='\r' or b=='\n' the last if block should be avoided as the outputCRLF() will have already done what's required.

Andy Wu

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