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Re: [Circe-help] Request for another circe-highlight-nick-type

From: Jorgen Schaefer
Subject: Re: [Circe-help] Request for another circe-highlight-nick-type
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:26:12 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Tassilo Horn <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,


> So the new circe-highlight-nick-type could be named 'message, which
> highlights like 'all but excludes the originator (which is displayed as
> usual in circe-originator-face).

I added this to CVS. Could you please find out whether it does
what you want?

> BTW: I really like circe and so I wrote an ebuild and submitted it at
>, so that it appears in the official portage tree soon.

Thanks a lot!

        -- Jorgen

((email . "address@hidden") (www . "";)
 (gpg   . "1024D/028AF63C")   (irc . "nick forcer on IRCnet"))

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