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IFL 2024: Second Call for Papers

From: Mart Lubbers
Subject: IFL 2024: Second Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 07:49:58 -0500

                                IFL 2024

36rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

            venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
                        August 26 - 28 2024



### Scope

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively
engaged in the implementation and application of functional and
function-based programming languages. IFL 2024 will be a venue for
researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in
progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.

### Industrial track and topics of interest

Topics of interest to IFL include, but are not limited to:

- language concepts
- type systems, type checking, type inferencing
- compilation techniques
- staged compilation
- run-time function specialisation
- run-time code generation
- partial evaluation
- (abstract) interpretation
- meta-programming
- generic programming
- automatic program generation
- array processing
- concurrent/parallel programming
- concurrent/parallel program execution
- embedded systems
- web applications
- (embedded) domain specific languages
- security
- novel memory management techniques
- run-time profiling performance measurements
- debugging and tracing
- virtual/abstract machine architectures
- validation, verification of functional programs
- tools and programming techniques

### Peer-review process

Following IFL tradition, IFL 2024 will use a post-symposium review
process to produce the formal proceedings.

Before the symposium authors submit draft papers. These draft papers
will be screened by the program chairs to make sure that they are within
the scope of IFL. The draft papers will be made available to all
participants at the symposium. Each draft paper is presented by one of
the authors at the symposium.

After the symposium, a formal review process will take place, conducted
by the program committee. Reviewing is single blind. There will be at
least 3 reviews per paper. The reviewers have 6 weeks to write their
reviews. For the camera-ready version the authors can make minor
revisions which are accepted without further reviewing.

### Important dates

Submission deadline of draft papers          August 4th,   2024
Notification of acceptance for presentation  August 6th,   2024
Early registration deadline                  August 11th,  2024
Late registration deadline                   August 21th,  2024
IFL symposium                                August 26-28, 2024
Submission of papers for proceedings         December 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance                   February 2nd, 2025
Camera-ready version                         March 2nd,    2025

### Submission details and Registration

All contributions must be written in English. Papers must use the ACM
two columns conference format, which can be found at:

Submit your paper here:


### Peter Landin Prize

The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honoured article is selected by the program
committee based on the submissions received for the formal review
process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.

### Organisation

PC Chairs:
Mart Lubbers Radboud University, The Netherlands

Local Chairs:
Peter Achten Radboud University, The Netherlands
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Radboud University, The Netherlands

### Program committee:

Benoît Montagu, University of Lorraine, Inria, France
Christos Dimoulas, Northwestern University, USA
Edsko de Vries, Well-typed, The Netherlands
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, UK
Jason Hemann, Seton Hall University, USA
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jurriaan Hage, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Maja Kirkeby, Roskilde University, Denmark
Marco Morazán, Seton Hall University, USA
Neil Mitchell, Facebook, UK
Ralf Laemmel, University of Koblenz Landau, Germany
Rinus Plasmeijer, TOP Software/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Stephen Chang, UMass Boston, USA
Tim Steenvoorden, Open University, The Netherlands
Tom Schrijvers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Yusuf Moosa Motara, Rhodes University, South Africa

### Venue

IFL 2024 will be held physically in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. See the
website for more information.

### Acknowledgments

This call-for-papers is an adaptation and evolution of content from
previous instances of IFL. We are grateful to prior organisers for their
work, which is reused here.

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