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[Chicken-users] [ANN] New egg: glfw3

From: Alex Charlton
Subject: [Chicken-users] [ANN] New egg: glfw3
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:59:19 -0400
User-agent: mu4e; emacs 24.3.1

I’ve created an egg that provides bindings to version 3 of the GLFW library 
(which handles OpenGL contexts, windows and events), which can be found here:

While there are already bindings to GLFW in the Chicken repository, those 
bindings are specific to pre-version-3 GLFW. I created a new egg because 1) the 
GLFW API changed significantly with this new version, and 2) the old bindings 
may still be of interest to people using the older version of GLFW.

If this sort of duplication is acceptable for the Chicken repository, then 
could someone kindly add my egg:

If not, then don’t worry about it!


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