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[Chicken-users] Lowdown & sxml-serializer not working together

From: Matt Gushee
Subject: [Chicken-users] Lowdown & sxml-serializer not working together
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:38:12 -0600

Hi, chickeneers--

I am working on an application that uses the lowdown egg to process
*some* of the input, and sxml-serializer to render the output. I'm
running into an issue ... I'm not sure if it's really a bug, but it's
at least an compatibility problem:

markdown->sxml converts whitespace in the input to character objects,
or lists of character objects, e.g.:


... but serialize-sxml can't handle these: evidently it wants either
strings or symbols. I haven't found any arguments or parameters in
either egg that seem to be able to affect this behavior.

So, is there something that needs to be fixed in one of these eggs, or
do I just need to convert the markdown->sxml output to something that
serialize-sxml can handle? Please advise.

Matt Gushee

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