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[Chicken-users] Trouble with easyffi

From: bill
Subject: [Chicken-users] Trouble with easyffi
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:42:19 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)


I recently moved my linux system from Gentoo to Xubunto. In doing so I am now having trouble getting some of my old Chicken programs working.

When I compile GTK code into one of my programs with easyffi everything seems to work fine. I get no compile errors. But when I try to execute the program I get the following error:

Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse

   Call history:

   foreign-parse            <--

This evidently comes from easyffi since there is no foreign-parse call in any of my scheme code. Any ideas on what could be wrong. Also, how do you get a list of installed eggs under the new system (i.e. the old chicken-setup -list call)? I am running 4.0.


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