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Re: [Chicken-users] chicken 4 on Windows

From: Leonardo Valeri Manera
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] chicken 4 on Windows
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 00:47:42 +0200

I've built it with a bare MinGW ... TDM version 4.3.3, so its safe to
assume it'll work the vanila 3.x stable: just start cmd.exe, cd to
where you unpacked the tarball, add the mingw /bin to the path (with
"set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW\bin" or whatnot) and run:

mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=C:/chicken (or whatever you want
the install path to be) (note the forward-slash on the prefix)

when its done install it with

mingw32-make PLATFORM=mingw PREFIX=<YOUR_PREFIX> install

Oh, you probably wont be able to build it using 3.4, so you'll either
want to bootstrap (with "bootstrap", see the README) or build 3.5 as a


2009/4/16 Jordan Cooper <address@hidden>:
> Hello,
> I'd like to get chicken working on Windows for those occasions when I
> have to use it -- without having to use Cygwin, if possible. But so
> far that's the only way I've been able to build it; my attempts with
> mingw and/or msys haven't been successful.
> Currently I've been using a precompiled binary I found of chicken 3.4,
> but using older versions of stuff is bad for my OCD.
> So, my questions:
> 1) Has anyone been able to build chicken 4 on Windows XP without Cygwin?
> 2) If so, are there any more detailed instructions/troubleshooting
> around than the readme?
> Thanks!
> --Newbie to Scheme
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