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Re: [Chicken-users] on the note of documentation...

From: Elf
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] on the note of documentation...
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:40:00 -0800 (PST)

i was mostly referring to headers, comments, indent style, etc :)  naming is
a hideous can of worms that boils down to 'it depends on exactly what youre
doing and why' in most cases, outside of the obvious '? for predicates, ! for
modifiers' ... although some general guidelines might not be a bad idea. theres a style guide on wiki somewhere, that i happen to disagree with on most points :)


On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Graham Fawcett wrote:

On Feb 12, 2008 2:12 PM, Elf <address@hidden> wrote:

and given that there will be an influx of people working on lots of stuff...
what do people think about setting some style/indent rules/suggestions for

For me, it's Emacs' (indent-sexp), with scheme-mode's adjustments for
Scheme code. You could probably suggest a max-line-length, but beyond
"use conventional Scheme indentation" I'm not sure what else you could

Does anyone have a reference to a Scheme style guide? I know I've seen
one, but I can't think where. This lazy Emacs user is spoiled by
built-in functionality.

On the naming of things, it would be very hard at this point in the
game to enforce a prefix: naming convention across all egg procedures
(as in http:GET, contrasted with the gazillion 'format' definitions).
It would be helpful, iff there were also syntactic support for not
requiring the prefixes when a module is "imported", as mzscheme and
Common Lisp do. I've worked on a module system that addresses that, as
I'm sure many others have, but we have no comprehensive solution.


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