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Re: [Chicken-users] name this HOF?

From: Tobia Conforto
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] name this HOF?
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:05:53 +0100

Ivan Raikov wrote:
You could call it xmap (exchanged map)
whereas map applies a single function to each of multiple arguments, xmap applies each of multiple functions to a single argument.

You mean a single argument list.

In any case, his tup is more like a curried xmap.
I think a plain exchanged map should look like this:

(define (xmap funcs args)
  (map (lambda (func)
         (apply func args))

(xmap (list first third second) '((a b c d e)))
=> (a c b)

The second argument to this xmap is a doubled list because it's a list of arguments, containing a single argument which is itself a list.


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