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Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] cross-platform gui toolkit
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 08:02:56 +0100

On 2/5/07, Thomas Christian Chust <address@hidden> wrote:

* Tk is not a small toolkit and it bloats your applications even more
  because you need a second scripting runtime -- Tcl or Perl -- to use
  it. I find that only acceptable if I'm programming in Tcl or Perl

* Tk is not very stable -- some experience with Perl/Tk teaches me that
  it's extremely easy to produce segfaults and infinite hangs with
  seemingly correct Tk code for obscure reasons.

* Tk is not very portable -- even screen coordinates for drawing in
  canvasses work differently on Windows and Unix implementations of Tk.

* I don't like the idea of using the CHICKEN Tk egg for production code
  because a GUI library should not need to spawn a different language
  interpreter subprocess and control GUI interaction by reading and
  writing code to and from a pipe.

* Tk integrates very badly on OS X

* Tk is slow and speaking to it via pipes  doesn't make it very suitable for,
 say, games

That's not to say that Tk is bad as such - but properly not the right thing
if you need "native" access.


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