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Re: [Chicken-users] inventory of community skills

From: Shawn Rutledge
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] inventory of community skills
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 00:34:24 -0700

On 2/3/07, Peter Keller <address@hidden> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 02, 2007 at 09:32:35PM -0800, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Similarly, there's a type called the
> "Plant" that is great at chucking out new things, but gets bored with
> them fairly quickly.

Yeah, that'd be me.... :)

Me too, in general, but I'm also stubborn enough to revisit my own
personal unfinished projects periodically.  I can put in a spurt a few
days long (few days of spare time, if I have spare time) on one of
them, get bored, get distracted and go off and work on a different
one, sort of a random round-robin strategy.  Then I loop back again a
few months later when something reminds me that I still need to finish
that, because it would just be so useful when done.  No matter how
hopeless it is for me to actually finish it within my lifetime, I'm
optimistic for a few days after I have gotten excited about doing it
again.  :-)  (Like my wife says I act like I'm going to live forever.)
So once in a great while, years after starting such a project, one of
them gets done.

At work, I prefer to finish things, but that becomes possible because
I only have 3 or 4 active projects at a time rather than dozens.  :-)
But my day job lately has been challenging and time-consuming enough
that I haven't had much spare time; I just work and sleep, and rest on
the weekends.

Anyway last night, I got back to the idea that I need to work on my
Scheme-based network-transparent GUI ideas, after being bogged down in
how to draw an elliptical arc for a long time (and not succeeding, so
far).  I thought I'd have a shot at implementing the minimal set of 2D
operations using OpenGL, so I can prototype higher-level ideas on a
desktop machine and then get back to the PDA implementation later (or
periodically on task-switches).  But you're saying I'm going to have
trouble with mouse events, right?  so I guess I'd better look into
that next and see whether there is any hope or not.

I'd say pick the ONE thing that Chicken--or even Scheme itself, seriously
lacks that noone wants to touch with a ten foot pole. You could ask this
entire list what it is and after a while a consensus would form. Take

Would that be threading?  :-)

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