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Re: [Chicken-users] other leading Schemes

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] other leading Schemes
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:00:46 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

minh thu wrote:
Hi Brandon,

although you first start your mail with a question, what's the
underlying intention ?
I can't understand why there's so much discussion about 'community
size' and 'growing' and  so on... it's the same on every mailing list
I've read.

Don't take my question offensively; it's really not the goal...

The underlying intention is for programming "not to suck." That and to actually make money. Programming pretty much sucks when it creates lots of busywork for you + doesn't pay the bills. You get caught in a cycle of working on unprofitable trivia, suddenly wondering how you'll keep the roof over your head, and realizing the gruntwork has kept you from accomplishing any significant goal anyways. When this goes on for a long time, you come to realize that the language you're using is not better than any other crap out there, no matter how sophisticated or advantageous it's supposed to be. It's actually a big waste of time. You just waste your time in different ways than a mainstream language. At least with the mainstream languages, there's money in them, you can get paid for them. If you accidentally become well versed in the trivia of C++, Java, or C#, you can make big $$$$$$ at that. With a marginal language like Scheme, nobody cares. You go hungry.

I'm not ready to give up on Chicken yet, or open source in general. I think there must be a profitable business model in it somewhere. But I'm quite aware of all the support and R&D jobs that must get done, to make a language that really is pleasant to use. So I see community organization as key. Academics and students don't feel these issues. They've got financial support for their work. So they can work on languages like Scheme that don't make most people any money.

Some people actually use Scheme as part of their commercial business model. But they are few and far between. Their economic results are not easily reproduced by most people. Whereas anyone can learn C++, Java, and C# and then go make money.

Brandon Van Every

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