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Re: [Chicken-users] String compression?

From: Zbigniew
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] String compression?
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 13:59:23 -0600

I have a feeling there are a couple other things going on here.
First, the time reported in GC is pretty low compared to overall time.
I did something silly--I tried compressing (using the z3f functions)
to a file, then reading or decompressing the data from the file.
Compared to the result of gzip-string (0.88s), these functions were
about twice as slow (1.5s), not several times as with
z3:compress-string (4.0s).  Furthermore, these functions do just as
many major GCs as z3:compress-string.

Number 2 thing is that gzip-string (on my system) does not take 0.888
seconds real-time to execute.  That's just what chicken reports.  If
you comment out the other tests and actually run the script from the
command line using 'time', it takes -substantially- longer: 7.9s!  I
expect this on OS X because it is notoriously slow at forking new
processes; it may be a lot faster on e.g. Linux.  However, the point
is, only the time for Chicken itself is being measured, not for gzip.

Clearly z3:compress-string could be a lot faster, as I was able to
compress to and decompress from a file in 1/3 the time!  But I would
also test gzip-string again on your system and verify you are getting
the performance you think you are.

Test data follows and I attached an updated compress-test.scm.

Test expression is: (string-length (gzip-string *input*))
Evaluating once. Return value is: 29
Repeating 1000 times:
  0.888 seconds elapsed
  0.008 seconds in (major) GC
  43772 mutations
    127 minor GCs
      6 major GCs
real    0m7.926s  user    0m1.697s   sys     0m5.843s

Test expression is: (string-length (z3:compress-string *input*))
Evaluating once. Return value is: 19
Repeating 1000 times:
   4.073 seconds elapsed
  0.486 seconds in (major) GC
  16924 mutations
     20 minor GCs
    663 major GCs
real    0m4.109s

Test expression is: (z3:compress-string/file /tmp/b.gz *input*)
Evaluating once. Return value is:  (compressed data omitted)
Repeating 1000 times:
  1.591 seconds elapsed
   0.78 seconds in (major) GC
   7196 mutations
      2 minor GCs
    621 major GCs

Test expression is: (z3:compress-and-decompress-string/file /tmp/b.gz *input*)
Evaluating once. Return value is: "xxxxxxxxx [...]"
Repeating 1000 times:
  1.425 seconds elapsed
  0.719 seconds in (major) GC
  18468 mutations
      6 minor GCs
    999 major GCs

On 12/21/06, felix winkelmann <address@hidden> wrote:
On 12/21/06, Graham Fawcett <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Does anyone have code for compressing strings using zlib, lzo or some
> other common llibrary/algorithm? I seem to have z3 working, but the
> performance is really terrible -- I may be doing something wrong, to
> be fair, the documentation is a bit light.
> I'm getting ~20x better performance using (process "gzip") to fork
> gzip and compress that way, compared with a string-compression
> procedure that I copied from the z3 test-script:
> I know it's not an apples-to-apples comparison. But why the huge
> difference? My lack of understanding of the z3 egg may be the cause.

Your code looks ok. Note the massive number of (major) garbage
collections. The code just conses a lot. One reason for that is the
repeated (and required) use of substring. The z3lib itself should be
fast enough, but it may be that the interface is too simplistic. I
will add a set of compress/decompress-the-whole-buffer routines written
in C which should be much faster.


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