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Re: [Chicken-users] postgresql update

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] postgresql update
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:55:56 +0100

On 11/29/06, Michele Simionato <address@hidden> wrote:
The trivial tests work on my system. BTW, I just installed chicken 2.5 from
scratch on this machine and tried to download postgresql. I got

downloading postgresql.egg from
( eggs 80) .
  gunzip -c ../postgresql.egg | tar xf -
  /usr/local/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -R syntax-case
-O2 -d0 postgresql.scm -C -I`pg_config --includedir` -L -L`pg_config
--libdir` -lpq
Warning: extension `syntax-case' is currently not installed
Syntax error: define-syntax
"highlevel macros are not supported"

Since the error message was pretty clear, I installed `syntax-case' and tried
again to install postgresql, without problem this time. But I wonder if this
is okay, or if chicken-setup is supposed to install all the required
automatically. What are the future plans for chicken-setup and eggs in general,
with respect of management of (inter)dependencies?

The requirement for syntax-case wasn't listed in the package meta-file.
Sorry, I've uploaded a new version that should work.

Chicken-setup does handle inter-package dependencies, but the .meta
files have to correctly written. When downloading from a server,
dependencies should be correctly worked out. It's when doing local
installs, no dependency checking is done, which is "suboptimal", to
say the least. The current development version of chicken-setup allows
specifiying a local "repository-file" that lists the dependencies, so having
a local checkout of the egg SVN repository (or parts of it) makes it now
possible to install eggs from the local file-system with full dependency
checking. This can be improved upon, of course.



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