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Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken compiled for familiar+ipaq available.

From: john
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken compiled for familiar+ipaq available.
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 16:08:31 +0100

I would be very interested in learning a good way to cross compile
eggs. I was building them by hand but realised it was easier to run
chicken-setup from my Zaurus and build them on board. This obviously
requires the ability to run gcc on the target device and takes a bit
of time!


On 15/08/06, Matthew Welland <address@hidden> wrote:
I finally got chicken to compile for familiar unstable (see:
for the Ipaq 3600 using OE ( If anyone has an
interest let me know and I'll try to find a place to put the .bb and .ipk
files. I'm now trying to figure out how to get chicken-setup to work in oe. I
was thinking it'd be nice if there was a way to pass a list of desired
modules to the chicken build process. That would be very convenient as a
general thing and it would solve my problem :-). Any suggestions?
address@hidden:~# csi

  ___| |    _)      |
 |     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 |     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2, Build 41 - linux-unix-gnu-arm - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
#;1> (define (harmonize n)
  (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))
       (z 0.0 (+ z (/ 1.0 i))))
       ((> i n) z)))
#;2>  (time (harmonize 1000000))
   91.36 seconds elapsed
    0.04 seconds in (major) GC
      16 mutations
     801 minor GCs
       3 major GCs
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