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[Chicken-users] Bug in MD5 egg?

From: Alejandro Forero Cuervo
Subject: [Chicken-users] Bug in MD5 egg?
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 12:53:38 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/


Sometimes, when  calculating a  MD5 sum in  a big  directory with
lots of files, I get a  stack overflow error.  I modified my code
to contain  only tail  recursive calls  but it  didn't help  so I
suspect the MD5 egg might have a bug.  I took a quick peek at the
code of the MD5 egg and couldn't find the problem.

The following code *sometimes* triggers the error:

(require 'md5)

(let loop ((f (remove directory? (directory "."))))
  (if (not (null? f))
    (let ((in (open-input-file (car f))))
      (format #t "~A: ~A~%" (car f) (md5:digest in))
      (close-input-port in)
      (loop (cdr f)))))

Can anyone please try this in  a big directory with lots of files
(in my case  it is a directory with 3600  files totaling 47m) and
confirm  the error?   Please  do  run it  a  few  (10?) times  in
different csi processes, as,  strangely, the error doesn't always



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