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#1845: srfi-69 .types errors

From: Chicken Trac
Subject: #1845: srfi-69 .types errors
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 00:47:23 -0000

#1845: srfi-69 .types errors
            Reporter:  Kon Lovett  |       Type:  defect
              Status:  new         |   Priority:  minor
           Milestone:  someday     |  Component:  extensions
             Version:  5.4.0       |   Keywords:
Estimated difficulty:              |
 ===== hashes return fixes & are not pure

 ((srfi-69#number-hash (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#number-hash
 (new: number old: fixnum #!optional fixnum fixnum) fixnum)))

 ((srfi-69#hash (new: #(procedure clean: enforce:) old: #(procedure pure:
 enforce:) srfi-69#hash (* #!optional fixnum fixnum) fixnum)))

 ((srfi-69#string-hash (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#string-hash
 (string #!optional fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum) new: fixnum old: number)))

 ((srfi-69#string-ci-hash (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#string-ci-
 hash (string #!optional fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum) new: fixnum old:

 ((srfi-69#hash-by-identity (new: #(procedure clean: enforce:) old:
 #(procedure pure: enforce:) srfi-69#hash-by-identity (* #!optional fixnum
 fixnum) fixnum)))

 ((srfi-69#string-hash-ci (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#string-
 hash-ci (string #!optional fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum) new: fixnum old:

 ===== min/max load is float & equiv-func is a slot

 ((srfi-69#hash-table-max-load (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#hash-
 table-max-load ((struct hash-table)) new: float old: fixnum) (((struct
 hash-table)) (##sys#slot #(1) (quote 6)))))

 ((srfi-69#hash-table-min-load (#(procedure clean: enforce:) srfi-69#hash-
 table-min-load ((struct hash-table)) new: float old: fixnum) (((struct
 hash-table)) (##sys#slot #(1) (quote 5)))))

 ((srfi-69#hash-table-equivalence-function (#(procedure clean: enforce:)
 srfi-69#hash-table-equivalence-function ((struct hash-table)) (procedure
 (* *) *)) new: (((struct hash-table)) (##sys#slot #(1) (quote 3)))))

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