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[certi-dev] PyHLA v0.1: Python bindings for HLA1.3

From: Gotthard, Petr
Subject: [certi-dev] PyHLA v0.1: Python bindings for HLA1.3
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:59:10 +0200

Dear All,
following the "release early, release often" mantra I hereby release a first version of Python bindings for CERTI and other HLA1.3 RTI that have the C++ API.
Many thanks to Eric, whose comments on the architecture design helped me a lot.
What is ready?
 -- skeletons of a standard federate and RTI ambassador
 -- standard API functions to create/join federation, publish/subscribe class attributes and update attribute values
 -- pack/unpack functions providing IEEE 1516.2 encoding
 -- HLAuse function that is able to directly import OMT DIF datatypes (the XML format described in 1516.2)
Works under both Linux and Windows. It was tested with Python 2.5, the latest CERTI and MAK RTI 2.2. It should support any HLA1.3 RTI with C++ API, but I expect the cmake script will not detect it automatically.
The sources are stored in the CERTI CVS applications module
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:address@hidden:/sources/certi co applications/PyHLA
Reference manual is available at
Attached are two scripts I use for testing. The "rpr2-d18.xml" file can be downloaded from http://virtualair.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/virtualair/trunk/rpr2-d18.xml
I hope to get some feedback from you ;-) I would like to hear about things you dislike (or like), about things you would like to change/enhance, about things that don't work with your HLA RTI, Python, compiler or platform.
Best Regards,

Attachment: test.py
Description: test.py

Attachment: test2.py
Description: test2.py

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