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Re: Documentation issues with xorriso

From: Thomas Schmitt
Subject: Re: Documentation issues with xorriso
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 19:35:28 +0200


Glenn Washburn wrote:
> Finally getting around to sending this as you requested.
> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/666972/how-to-exclude-paths-from-being-extracted-when-extracting-an-iso-using-xorriso?noredirect=1#comment1258466_666972

Oh. That was you ?
The main reason for asking for a mail to bug-xorriso is that stackexchange
is at odds with my good old workstation's browser and with my mail address.
So any substantial discussion has to happen somewhere else.

I did not come to a full decision yet about what to do about the exclusion
feature at restore time.
It is promised in the man page, therefore its lack is a bug. I should
implement the feature and have already identified the place in the code
where to do so.

But i am unsure yet how to interpret the -not_paths list. The man page
       disk_path is a path to an object in the local filesystem tree.
       -not_paths disk_path [***]
           Add the given paths to the list of excluded absolute disk paths.

Is it plausible to the user to exclude the target paths rather than the
source paths of ISO extraction ?
Relative paths get absolutified automatically. But that has its pitfalls
with symbolic links:

  $ xorriso -not_paths x/y/z -- -status -not_paths
  GNU xorriso 1.5.5 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

  -not_paths '/daten/dvdbuffer/x/y/z' --
  $ pwd
  $ ls -ld /dvdbuffer
  ... /dvdbuffer -> daten/dvdbuffer

But the file paths used by the restore functions begin by

So i ponder whether i shall implement -not_paths as is described in the
man page now, or whether i shall change the man page to say that with
extraction from ISO the -not_paths are absolute in the ISO.

It never worked. So i feel some freedom of decision. :))

You have tried on stackexchange 2 times ISO path and once local disk path.
May i take this as indication of the user's expectation ?

Have a nice day :)


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