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Re: [Bug-XBoard] Xboard-4.5.3a bug: windows sliding

From: h.g. muller
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] Xboard-4.5.3a bug: windows sliding
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 22:57:08 +0100

At 15:49 25-2-2012 +0100, Hans Aberg wrote:
If I try xwininfo on the command line (example below), and compare the data of different windows, then the parameters have the same value as follows:
  -frameX  <->  Relative upper-left X
  -frameY  <->  Relative upper-left Y

There is a source file xwininfo.c for this program.

Hans, did anyone ever tell you you are a genious! :-)

Not only does the routine XGetWindowAttributes they use there provide the info about frame size we need; it also seems to work much more reliably for getting the actual coordinates.

I pushed a new version now to the http://hgm.nubati.net/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi repository (master branch). I removed the -frameX/Y options there, and used the new routine.

I also made a first attempt to implement the -stickyWindows options: the auxiliary windows Engine Output, Move List, Eval Graph and Game List will then move together with the main window, if you drag the latter. (That is, until they bump into the edge; the window manage is really very reluctant to do as it is told...) A checkbox in the General Options dialog can switch it on or off. In WInBoard the option is a bit smartr, and only co-moves auxiliarry windows that actually touch the main window In WB it is also smart enough to move attached windows when the main board resizes (e.g. wnhen you switch from normal to gothic), doesn't do that here yet either.

I still have the problem when I position in (0,0). This works fine if the background is the desk top, but if there is another window behind, it moves to (0,25).

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