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Re: [Bug-XBoard] resources not used for xboard

From: Eric Mullins
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] resources not used for xboard
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 14:43:23 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

h.g. muller wrote:
Now you don't have a master file /etc/xboard/xboard.conf, so there is also no redirection to ~/.xboardrc, which is why the latter is ignored. Another thing that is obviously wrong, is that you seem to have an ordinary file /etc/xboard, which pis not compatible with having a directory of the same name. I don't know
how you got that file, and what is in it. It should not happen.

I didn't place it there that I'm aware of. My best guess would be it got there when I did a 'make install' with root access one time. Perhaps 'make install' did that once and was then changed. Who knows? I did look for docs on how it is set up and found nothing. But I was grepping for 'xboardrc'.

I'll fiddle with things now that I understand what it's looking for and why, then report back my findings.

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