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Re: [Bug-XBoard] Again XBoard copy

From: Tim Mann
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] Again XBoard copy
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 10:46:43 -0800

On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 19:36:26 +0100, "h.g. muller" <address@hidden> wrote:
> The copying of positions and games now works fine in XBoard.
> But another problem surfaced: people also want to copy text from
> the engine-output window. I guess this is a very legitimate wish:
> people want to analyze positions, to see at which depth the engine
> finds the solution to a tactical problem, and then post that Thinking
> Output on a forum.
> Knowing about the selection vs clipboard probem, I tried to select
> text in the Engine-Output window (which is a read-only text widget),
> and indeed I am able to copy that to another window (I tried the
> XBoard Edit-Comment popup, but I suppose other writable text
> widgets of X applications would work as well), by pressing Shift+Insert.
> (I also tried right-clicking, but that did not work.)

Middle clicking should work.  Right-click is never for pasting the selection.

> But gedit ignores the selection, and can only paste from clipboard.
> How can I transfer the selection to the clipboard in X? Is there a key stroke
> or a mouse click for that? Or must we define our own routine to make
> that transfer, and provide a button or context menu or define a mouse click
> to invoke that routine?

The widget xboard is using for that doesn't have a key binding for
copying to the clipboard built in, and I don't know of a stock routine
in the library you can bind to.  So I'm pretty sure you need to write a
custom function and bind it to a key or context menu.  The function
would be generally similar to the ones I modified recently for copying
positions and games to the clipboard.

Tim Mann  address@hidden  http://tim-mann.org/

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