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Re: [Bug-XBoard] [Fwd: I think I found a bug in winboard 4.40 beta 1]

From: h . g . muller
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] [Fwd: I think I found a bug in winboard 4.40 beta 1]
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 09:12:04 +0200 (MEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.5.2 [SVN]

> The ambiguous case would be: every time the pawn on the b-file and a
> bishop can make the a capture on the same field.

Or an Archbishop or Advisor and the a-Pawn, or a Chancellor or Cannon and
the c-Pawn, or an Elephant and the e-Pawn, or a Ferz and the f-Pawn, or a
Gold General and the g-Pawn, or a Horse and the h-Pawn, or a Janus and the
j-Pawn or a King and the k-Pawn...

It is true that none of this holds for drop moves, but it would be
illogical to only make an exception for those.

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