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Wget2 and '...+digest -https -ssl +ipv6...' on OS X

From: Jeffrey Walton
Subject: Wget2 and '...+digest -https -ssl +ipv6...' on OS X
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 01:32:18 -0400

Hi Everyone/Tim,

I noticed something is sideways on my Wget2 recipe on OS X 10.12. I
configure with --with-openssl=yes and --with-ssl=openssl, but Wget2
lacks TLS support:

$ ~/tmp/ok2delete/bin/wget2 --version
GNU Wget2 1.99.2 - multithreaded metalink/file/website downloader
+digest -https -ssl +ipv6 +iri +large-file +nls -ntlm -opie +psl -hsts
+iconv +idn2 +zlib +lzma -brotlidec -zstd +bzip2 -lzip -http2 -gpgme

config.log shows positive test results for the OpenSSL gear. The build
log shows linking to OpenSSL (though it seems to be through Gnulib).

Wget2 and HTTPS seem to work as expected:

$ ~/tmp/ok2delete/bin/wget2 https://www.google.com
OCSP URI not given and not found in certificate. Skipping OCSP check for cert 0.
OCSP URI not given and not found in certificate. Skipping OCSP check for cert 1.
[0] Downloading 'https://www.google.com' ...
Saving 'index.html'
HTTP response 200 OK [https://www.google.com]

Any ideas why I'm having trouble with TLS?


Here are the summary options.

Summary of build options:

  Version:            1.99.2
  Host OS:            darwin16.7.0
  Install prefix:     /Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete
  Compiler:           clang
  CFlags:             -I/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/include
-I/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/include -DNDEBUG -g2 -O2 -march=native
-fPIC -pthread -I/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/include -DNDEBUG
  LDFlags:            -L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib
  Libs:               -L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -lpcre2-8
-L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -lidn2
-L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -llzma
-L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -lz -lbz2
-L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -lpsl
-L/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/lib -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lpthread
  Library types:      shared=yes, static=yes
  Small libraries:    yes
  SSL/TLS support:    openssl
  GZIP compression:   yes
  BZIP2 compression:  yes
  LZMA compression:   yes
  Brotli compression: no
  Zstd compression:   no
  Lzip compression:   no
  IDNA support:       IDNA 2008 (libidn2)
  PSL support:        yes
  HSTS support:       no
  HTTP/2.0 support:   no
  Documentation:      no (neither Doxygen nor Pandoc found)
  Wget2 docs:
  Libwget docs:
  PCRE support:       yes, via libpcre2
  Tests:              Valgrind testing not enabled
  Assertions:         no
  POSIX xattr:        yes
  Microhttpd support: no (CFLAGS:
-I/Users/jwalton/tmp/ok2delete/include -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/local/include/p11-kit-1. LIBS:  -L/usr/local/lib -lgnutls)
  Fuzzing build:      no,
  GPGME:              no

Attachment: config.log.zip
Description: Binary data

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