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Re: [Bug-wget] Avoid filename indexes

From: Tim Rühsen
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Avoid filename indexes
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 18:24:39 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.14.2 (Linux/3.16.0-4-amd64; KDE/4.14.2; x86_64; ; )

Am Samstag, 31. Januar 2015, 17:58:54 schrieb Alexander Kurakin:
> Good day!
> Suppose I use --recursive mode.
> Suppose there are 'www.example.com/about' and 'www.example.com/about/more'
> pages.
> Then I have 'about.1.html' and 'about/more.html' files.
> Can I avoid '.1' suffix by wget options?

Hi Alexander,

what would you expect ?

Basically, Wget saves the downloaded content to the filesystem.
When it saved 'about/more', how can it save a new file 'about' - this name 
already exists as directory !? Same goes when the download order is revers.

(BTW, Are you using -E/--adjust-extension (or the obsolete option --html-
extension) ?)


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