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[Bug-wget] Unexpected character on a downloaded page

From: Angel Tsankov
Subject: [Bug-wget] Unexpected character on a downloaded page
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 21:31:01 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0

Why does wget 1.15 (and 1.12) insert  in several places in the copy it makes of the following page:

Also, why does it download the page to 'index.html?var_Explorer=1&var_Negotiator=1&var_Director=1&var_Builder=1&fromCGI=1' (i.e. with index.html prepended)?

Angel Tsankov

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