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Re: [Bug-wget] Fwd: [GSoC] Extend concurrency support in Wget

From: Jure Grabnar
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Fwd: [GSoC] Extend concurrency support in Wget
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 11:28:42 +0200


> >
> > That's true. "type" is currently only used to filter out types which Wget
> > doesn't support.
> > Do you think parsing it ("type") is irrelevant?
> IMHO, if it will not be used in the near future, then better document
> or remove it.

I tried removing elect_resources() (essentially removing "type" attribute)
and it mostly works.
It fails when "bittorrent" url resource has top priority. In this case it
HTTP downloads what looks to me like a tracker info.
Since checksum differs from original file (extracted from metalink file)
download fails.

I also merged two metalink files (header from the first file and resources
from the second file) and Wget crashes. I found out there are some issues
with temporary files.

I do believe checking types is more fail-safe since these issues do not
occur there. At least "bittorrent" resources have to be eliminated
beforehand or make Wget somehow aware of them.


Jure Grabnar

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