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Re: [Bug-wget] Overly permissive hostname matching

From: Ángel González
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Overly permissive hostname matching
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 00:11:08 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird

On 20/03/14 23:16, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
I can't prevent you of course and the decision is yours to make, but I'd
prefer a BSD style license as then I could really consider basing future
enhancements of curl on this effort.
Does GNU have a permissive license? I know permissive does not meet
all of Dr. Stallman's goals, but it will allow GNU more intellectual
property in the arena.

The LGPL would be an option. I don't see why is intellectual property related.
The license and the copyright owner seem quite orthogonal to me.

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