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Re: [Bug-wget] help requested in downloading my website

From: Tim Ruehsen
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] help requested in downloading my website
Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 10:47:25 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/3.2.0-2-amd64; KDE/4.7.4; x86_64; ; )

Am Friday 18 May 2012 schrieb Henrik Holst:
> What you want is actually the very thing that wget is designed to do. All
> you have to do is simply (here I am assuming a Windows computer for some
> strange reason):
> 1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe on windows)
> 2. execute: cd c:\
> 3. execute: wget -r "http://your-domain.com";
> Wget will now download all files from that domain into a directory named
> your-domain.com so it will be named after the domain that you download. All
> you now have to do is to right click that folder in the file explorer and
> select to create a zip archive of this folder and you should have the very
> same file that your friend provided earlier.

I assume, the new domain has a different name.
In this case he need should not forget to replace all links to 'your-
domain.com' by his new domain name.


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