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Re: sort (textutils) 2.0.21 behavior different when using a path

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: sort (textutils) 2.0.21 behavior different when using a path
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:00:24 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Graham, David (IndSys, ES) wrote:
> Also, I often use sort (textutils) 2.0.21 on the windows 2000
> platform, and was today surprised by this behavior:

You are probably using the Cygwin Toolset then.

> It works the way I expect if I use this command line:
> sort fil  > fil2
> The output file (fil2) has each line terminated with 0D 0A (= cr lf )
> But if I use this command line:
> sort d:\fil  > fil2
> The output file (fil2) has each line terminated with 0D 0D 0A (= cr cr lf )

Thank you for reporting that problem.  Unfortuntely I am going to have
to redirect you.

It looks to me like the program is getting put into binary mode on
input and text mode on output and the mismatch is creating one more
ln->cr-ln conversion than it should.  Needing a text mode conversion
is unique to ms systems and is not a native part of sort.  And it is a
hard problem.  I am not sure it can ever be completely solved.  Solved
without switching operating systems, that is.  :-)

The hard work the Cygwin team has put in to developing the GNU Project
on Windows is greatly admired.  However the GNU team generally uses
GNU systems and do not have access to Cygwin systems or MS-Windows
systems which means that most of us can't help you.  It would be most
appreciated if you would make your bug report directly to the Cygwin
folks.  They are the experts and best suited to handle your problem.

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