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sort bug?

From: stefano federici
Subject: sort bug?
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 17:44:05 +0200 (CEST)

It seems that the -f option (that is the "ignore-case" option) of sort doesn't work with accented characters. For example the following command

sort -f -k1 input.txt > output.txt

where input.txt contains:

È 1
à 2
è 3

will output the following output.txt file:

È 1
à 2
è 3

instead of the expected:

à 2
È 1
è 3

Thanks for your attention

Stefano Federici

will sort

Stefano Federici

via Azuni, 48 - 09025 Sanluri (CA) - Italy
Tel: +39-070-9351003 home
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email: address@hidden

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