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Re: Bug in sort?

From: Henk M. Keller, AT Computing BV
Subject: Re: Bug in sort?
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:38:39 +0100

Dear Bob and Jim,

On january 11, 2001, I received mails from you both, stating more or less
the same (here, I quote Jim):
> "Henk M. Keller" <address@hidden> wrote:
> | [sort -n doesn't work]
> I've heard that RedHat introduced a bug that made `sort -n'
> malfunction in a version they distributed.  I believe they
> have made a fixed release since then.
> I suggest you upgrade or just get the latest test release
>   ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/fetish/textutils-2.0.11.tar.gz
> and build/install it yourself.  The GNU versions never had that bug.

Thanks for this speedy and very effective assistance.  I indeed got the newer
version which does not go astray when sorting numbers at the beginning of
the first sort key.

BTW, Today, I received a questionnaire from two students of a business
faculty on a dutch university about the use of non-commercial software.
Alas, they sent it in MSWord...
The way you two handled my email is an excellent example of the quality and
effectiveness of world-wide support for non-commercial software; I will,
as an example, tell them how my email was handled.

We will surely continue to be a GNU Patron!

Greetings from the Netherlands, and keep up the good work.
----- address@hidden ------- http://www.ATComputing.nl
Henk M. Keller - AT Computing, P.O. Box 1428, NL-6501BK Nijmegen
+31-24-3527252 (fax: 3527292)   UNIX training and consultancy
      Linux is a good UNIX, and we do UNIX training...
Please send mails and files in ASCII, HTML or Postscript; No MSWord!

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