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suggestion for head

From: Martin Fick
Subject: suggestion for head
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 14:47:58 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i


  I would like to suggest an improvement to head which
would make it more consistent with tail.  I suggest adding
the ability to specify a number with the first character
being + to the -n (--liines=N) option so that head will
display all the lines except for the last n lines.

  This is not a standard feature and I have never seen it
on any of the unixs, but it seems like it would help make
head more complete.  I have often needed this feature
myself and usually resort to writing a small awk script.  

  If there are no objections to such a feature being
included in the gnu head, I would gladly port the code from
the gnu tail to head in order to implement the feature and 
submit a patch to head.



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