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Re: “bug: Nothing closed while a line context remains” with Texinfo 7.0.

From: Arsen Arsenović
Subject: Re: “bug: Nothing closed while a line context remains” with Texinfo 7.0.3
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 20:27:15 +0200

Gavin Smith <gavinsmith0123@gmail.com> writes:

> [... snip ...]
> Thanks for tracking it down.
> I am not going to try to understand the patch and decide whether
> it is correct for the release branch.  In general, there may have
> been other changes on the master branch that this patch relied on.
> I think we should only include this patch if:
> * Patrice thinks it is okay for the release branch; and
> * The bug is important enough to fix in a bug-fix release, when balanced
>   against the complexity of the change and the risk of introducing further
>   bugs (which I doubt).
> Distributors (like Debian) would always be free to include the patch
> if they wanted to.

I agree.  I think a simpler patch could solve this issue better.
Arsen Arsenović

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