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Re: what is the status of the JavaScript reader?

From: Per Bothner
Subject: Re: what is the status of the JavaScript reader?
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2020 08:22:05 -0700
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On 8/4/20 6:06 AM, Gavin Smith wrote:
Have you tried using the Texinfo JS interface for the Kawa and DomTerm
manuals?  It seems to me there would be nothing stopping you from doing
this now.

I can, but it doesn't gain me much.  The existing toolchain (with makeinfo 
and xsltproc) works fine, though not as elegant as on-the-fly generation of the 
Using DocBook has some extra dependencies - but those are available as standard
Fedora packages, and probably Ubuntu/Debian/Homebrew (haven't checked).

Downloading a package from alpha.gnu.org and running an ad-hoc script
just makes for a more complicated build procedure, including more complicated
instructions that I have to write up after I figure it out.
And then the instructions will have to change, once (hopefully) --html-js
becomes part of the regular releases.

If I submit a patch, then I have change the instructions to git-clone
the repository instead.

There is very little benefit to me or my users to deal with this
unless the js reader is on the roadmap for an upcoming release.
That means --html-js (or equivalent) has to be one of the options handled
by makeinfo built from the master branch of the git repository.
        --Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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