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new command-line switches for makeinfo

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: new command-line switches for makeinfo
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 23:07:59 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hello all,

The replacement of makeinfo in C by makeinfo in perl based on texi2html 
is almost ready to be released. The main thing that remains to be done
is the changes in documentation. On that subject, I'd like to have the
new command line switch be documented and changes in existing switches be
agreed upon. Could you please tell if you like the option names, it is 
the last time to change them, and also how you would document them 
in --help?

General options:
* --conf-dir DIR: append DIR to the directories searched for 
                  initialization files
* --init-file FILE: load FILE to modify the default behaviour
* --set-init-variable 'VAR VALUE': set the configuration variable VAR to VALUE
* --split SPLIT: split at SPLIT where SPLIT may be chapter, section or node,
                 for output formats supporting splitting.

Options for HTML:
* --node-files: if set produce redirection files for every nodes and anchors.
                if unset don't produce those additional files. Default 
                is set if split and unset if not split.

I think that --commands-in-node-names and --output-indent should be 
removed from --help since they are no-ops now.

Also --no-headers should be changed to something like

      --no-headers            suppress node separators, Node: lines, and menus
                                from Info output (thus producing plain text)
                                or from HTML (thus producing shorter output);
                                also, write to standard output by default if
                                producing Info.

-o could be along

  -o, --output=FILE           output to FILE (or directory if split HTML).
                              if not split and FILE is a directory, put the
                              resulting files in FILE.


Note: when called as texi2html there will still be much more options,
but it is not advised to use them anymore (they are obsoleted), instead, 
the corresponding configuration variables should be set with 


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