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[Bug-readline] send tgetstr("mm") at init to non-terminal stdout ?

From: Harald Koenig
Subject: [Bug-readline] send tgetstr("mm") at init to non-terminal stdout ?
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:01:39 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)


readline seems to output tgetstr("mm") even if stdout is not a terminal
(e.g. pipe/backticks/...). 
IMHO this ESC sequence should only be output to terminal.

unfortuneately, I did not find a way to disable _rl_enable_meta_key()
(or set term_has_meta) via inputrc file

this popped up with some strange output from python, like this

     python -c "import readline" | hexdump 
     python -c "import readline ; print 'foo'" | hexdump 


     python | hexdump

and then type "print <ENTER> <CTRL-D"".

while the 1st problem easily can befixed in our local sitecustomize.py
the 2nd problem with plain python startup can't. 

likely other apps using readline might (mis)behave similarly, so I think
that should be fixed within readline ?!

you can find more details about the original python issues in this openSUSE 



Harald Koenig
"I hope to die                                      ___       _____
before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.",           0--,|    /OOOOOOO\
Donald E. Knuth, 02-Oct-2001 in Tuebingen.        <_/  /  /OOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                    \  \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\
                                                      \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|//
Harald Koenig                                          \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
science+computing ag                                    //  /     \\  \
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