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Re: In rcs 5.9.1 build-aux/extract-help is bash-specific

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: In rcs 5.9.1 build-aux/extract-help is bash-specific
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:51:57 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

() Dagobert Michelsen <address@hidden>
() Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:55:00 +0200

   in rcs 5.9.1 build-aux/extract-help uses a bash-specific construct,
   but has a sh hashbang.  The grep command may return 1 which aborts
   the execution of the script in sh, but not bash.  Forcing the
   returncode to true fixes the issue as in this patch: [...]

   The issue occurred when compiling on Solaris 10 Sparc with Sun Studio 12.

Thanks for reporting this.  Is this behavior w/ Solaris /bin/sh
controlled by the "set -e" at the beginning of the script?  That is,
does simply removing the "set -e" achieve the same effect as adding
"; true" to the inside-backtick command?

Thien-Thi Nguyen
   GPG key: 4C807502
   (if you're human and you know it)
      read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical)
                               (not (via 'mailing-list)))
                     => nil

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