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Could this Stock Rock? for bug-gnubg
From: |
Rubin Coffey |
Subject: |
Could this Stock Rock? for bug-gnubg |
Date: |
Thu, 22 Dec 2005 02:02:23 -0500 |
Explosive Stck Alert
Doll Technology Group Inc.
Global Manufacturer and Marketer of "Clean & Green" Products and Technology
Solutions(Source: News 12/6/05)
Huge PR Campaign Underway For Thursday's Trading **DTGP** Can You Make Some
Fast Money On This One?
RECENT NEWS: Go Read The Full Stories Right Nowii
1)Doll Technology Group Begins U.S. Trials of AquaBoost(TM)
2)Doll Technology Group Announces Strategic Partnership With Land and Sea
Development to Market BlazeTamer(TM) Fire Retardant Product- Initial Purchase
Order Valued at Over $1.1 Million
RedBrooks Laboratory, a DTGP subsidiary, is a full service independent facility
that tests, qualifies and certifies all Doll Technology Group's products and
services. The laboratory is one of the few government certified facilities for
the testing of fire suppression systems for the aerospace, maritime, and
general industries. (Source: News 12/2/05)
Watch This One Trade on Thursday Radar it Right Now..
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eaning of Sect ion twenty seven A of the Securities Act of nin eteen thirty
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und er the SEC Act of ninteen thirty four and theref ore there is limi ted
inform tion availab le on the com pany. As with many micr ocap st=cks, today's
company has dis closable material items you need to consider in order to make
an informed and intelligent in_vestment decision. These items include: A
nominal cash position. it is an operating Company. The company is going to need
financing. if that financing does not occur, the company may not be able to
continue as a going concern in which case you could lose your entire
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of in_vestment advice or solicitation. Many of these companies are on the verge
of bankruptcy. You can lose all your mony by inv esting in this st=ck. The
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Subscribers should not view information herein as legal, t x, account ing or in
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- Could this Stock Rock? for bug-gnubg,
Rubin Coffey <=