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From: mosesjohn
Subject: My.
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 18:01:15 +0100
User-agent: Leonardo Webmail

From:moses john.
ForiegnRemittanceDepartment Manager
African development bank
Cotonou,Republic ofBenin.
West Africa.

How Are You ?

I am Mr.moses john, the trusteeandfinancial manager to lateMr.Aziz Mustafa.I amalso the presentForiegnRemittance DepartmentManager of
Africandevelopment bank,Cotonoubranch,Republic ofBenin.

I have an urgentand veryconfidential business proposition for you as a result of what presentlyhave athand.On 25th December2003, Mr.Aziz Mustafa,a Lebaneseinvestor inCotonou, Republic of Beninwas among the plane crash victimsofBoeing727-type, Air plane ofAfrican Transport Union (UTA) crashedon25thDecember 2003 at theFidjrosse beach Cotonou RepublicofBenin.110persons died, theBeirut-bound flight victims aremostlyLebanesenationals and fewwesterners. Over 40 others stillreportedmissing asat then, while 22passengers survived.
Shortlyafter hisdeath , hisrelatives arrived Cotonou Republic of Benin 
and I handed overevery of his other accountsinformation within African 
development bankasceptthis very accountfile I withheld todivert the sum.
I seekyourconsent to present youas Next of kin to the deceased so 
thatthesidetracked Account valued at15.5 Million Euro(FifteenMillion
FiveHundred Thousand Euro) of lateMr. Aziz Mustafacould beremitted to 
your account as his Next of Kin,and then we canshare theamount on
amutually agreed percentage.

AllI require fromyou is yourhonestco-operation and trust to enable ussee thistransaction through.Iguarantee that this will be executedunder alegitimate arrangementthatwill protect you from any breach ofthelaw.To enable us discussfurtherabout this transaction, do contactme.
If this offer is okaybyyou, you should contact me immediatelywiththe
following profiles:

1- Your complete name 2 -YourNationality. 3 - Your Age, sexandmarital status. 4 - Occupation/occupational status or ranking. 5-Your complete residential address/office address if any. 6 -Yourprivate telephone/fax number. ( Includemobile number if any).
Iawait your urgent response .

With best regards,

Mr. moses john.

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