I think I found a bug in v3.4 of GNU Parted.
This was my issue, put in removable media that had old Root and Home labelled partitions but they were mounted at /media/USER/xxxx. I wanted to format and i got an error about overlapping partitions.
I used sfdisk to check my sectors start and end.
I outputted the partition table data to a text file and edited the overlap as I did find one on /dev/sdb. I used sfdisk -d /dev/sdb > ~/Desktop/sdb-backup.txt
After editing this text file to fix the overlap as my sdb1 end overlapped my sdb2 start, i re fed the new partition data back in with
sfdisk /dev/sdb < ~/Desktop/sdb-backup.txt
After being confident i fixed the overlap that was causing Parteds GUI to not open and the partitions were resized after feeding new adjusted data sectors to the disks with sfdisk,
I got this print out when using a command: parted /dev/sdb unit s print to confirm the changes took place. My terminal spit this out
Backtrace has 14 calls on stack:
14: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(ped_assert+0x4f) [0x7f15143c3c8f]
13: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x2654c) [0x7f15143db54c]
12: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x136ba) [0x7f15143c86ba]
11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(ped_disk_add_partition+0x1f0) [0x7f15143c8f90]
10: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x26f29) [0x7f15143dbf29]
9: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x270dd) [0x7f15143dc0dd]
8: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x26f54) [0x7f15143dbf54]
7: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(+0x271cd) [0x7f15143dc1cd]
6: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libparted.so.2(ped_disk_new+0x48) [0x7f15143c8a18]
5: parted(+0x8a1d) [0x55ae5016da1d]
4: parted(non_interactive_mode+0xb8) [0x55ae50173378]
3: parted(main+0x116d) [0x55ae5016bbdd]
2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xcd) [0x7f151418b7ed]
1: parted(_start+0x2a) [0x55ae5016bd6a]
You found a bug in GNU Parted! Here's what you have to do:
Don't panic! The bug has most likely not affected any of your data.
Help us to fix this bug by doing the following:
Check whether the bug has already been fixed by checking
the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at:
Please check this version prior to bug reporting.
If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check,
please visit the GNU Parted website:
for further information.
Your report should contain the version of this release (3.4)
along with the error message below, the output of
parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print
and the following history of commands you entered.
Also include any additional information about your setup you
consider important.
Assertion (metadata_length > 0) at ../../../libparted/labels/dos.c:2359 in function add_logical_part_metadata() failed.
zsh: IOT instruction sudo parted /dev/sdb print unit s print unit chs print
Please advise on how I fix this bug or review v3.4 files and patch the bug for future versions.
Let me know if i was first to report this error in v3.4, not for reward but for personal pride and an ability to show off an email.
Brandon Thomas