Parted and Gparted when asked to expand a partition fail. Gparted breaks the system. version ( Assertion (dev->open_count > 0) at ../../libparted/device.c:259 in function ped_device_read() failed.
More information Can't open a terminal because "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" Previously open terminals are not effected so here is what transpired before the failure:
apt-get install gparted ntfsprogs was not installed even though it was recomended. libglibmm-2.4-1c2a libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a were installed automatically by the package manager. # parted Opened ok hda3 and hda4 are locked.
hda4 is currently in use as boot and root according to /etc/fstab and hda3 should not be mounted #quit # umount /dev/hda3 #parted Using /dev/hda (parted) resize 3 241GB 250GB Error: Partition /dev/hda3 is being used. You must unmount it before you modifyit with Parted.
(parted) quit Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
address@hidden:~# gparted dumpe2fs 1.38 (30-Jun-2005) Error: Could not stat device /dev/hdc - No such file or directory. Error: Could not stat device /dev/hdc - No such file or directory.
Error: Could not stat device /dev/hdc - No such file or directory. Error: Could not stat device /dev/hdc - No such file or directory. Error: Could not stat device /dev/hdc - No such file or directory. Error: Error opening /dev/hdc: No such file or directory
A bug has been detected in GNU Parted. Refer to the web site of parted for more informations of what could be useful for bug submitting! Please email a bug report to address@hidden containing at least the version ( and the following message: Assertion (dev->open_count > 0) at ../../libparted/device.c:259 in function ped_device_read() failed.
Recent history. Installed Ubuntu via default install. It packs swap and then root at the top of the system with free space below swap. Swap with a lot of memory should be at the top of the system in my opinion since more swap partitions can be added at any time anywhere. To facilitate such a design root was moved to a new partition in lower faster memory using knoppix v5.1 gparted. Reboot of Ubuntu and an attempt to upgrade failed, partition too small. Both parted and fsdisk report the new patition and size as correct. Gparted locks both 3 and 4 so it appears that it has added a link to 3 in 4 rather than moving the partition to 4.
I notice that parted is now stable at version 1.8.8 and Ubuntu is loading so this may be a ubuntu bug.