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Re: [Bug-ocrad] Ocrad opens files in text mode

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Bug-ocrad] Ocrad opens files in text mode
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 00:35:01 +0200
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address@hidden wrote:
In the SpamBayes project (http://www.spambayes.org/) we're starting to use
ocrad as an OCR tool.  It works well on Unix-oid systems, but fails on
Windows.  We tracked it down to the fact that the input files are not opened
in binary mode:

    if( std::strcmp( infile_name, "-" ) == 0 ) infile = stdin;
    else infile = std::fopen( infile_name, "r" );

There should be a "b" in that mode string.  Alas, it's not clear how you can
place stdin in binary mode, so input redirection will probably always fail.

I didn't add the "b" because there is no difference between text and binary files in POSIX systems. But Microsoft is always ready to annoy me. :)

I'll add the "b" for the next version, but as you say input redirection will probably always fail.


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