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ANN: ncurses-6.2-20210619

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ANN: ncurses-6.2-20210619
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 00:33:10 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)


 ncurses 6.2 - patch 20210619 - Thomas E. Dickey


 Ncurses 6.2 is at

 Patches for ncurses 6.2 can be found at

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>
 created  Sun Jun 20 00:21:42 UTC 2021
 AUTHORS                                    |    6 
 Ada95/README                               |    4 
 Ada95/TODO                                 |    6 
 Ada95/aclocal.m4                           |   10 
 Ada95/configure                            |    2 
 Ada95/include/ncurses_defs                 |   10 
 Ada95/make-tar.sh                          |    8 
 Ada95/package/debian/rules                 |    2 
 Ada95/samples/Makefile.in                  |    4 
 Ada95/samples/explain.txt                  |   46 
 INSTALL                                    |    4 
 Makefile.os2                               |    6 
 NEWS                                       |    9 
 README                                     |   10 
 README.emx                                 |    8 
 VERSION                                    |    2 
 aclocal.m4                                 |   30 
 announce.html.in                           |    6 
 c++/Makefile.in                            |    6 
 c++/NEWS                                   |   16 
 c++/README-first                           |    6 
 c++/cursesapp.h                            |    6 
 c++/etip.h.in                              |    4 
 configure                                  | 1971 +++++++++++++--------------
 dist.mk                                    |    6 
 doc/html/man/adacurses6-config.1.html      |   28 
 doc/html/man/captoinfo.1m.html             |   70 
 doc/html/man/clear.1.html                  |   86 -
 doc/html/man/curs_add_wch.3x.html          |  130 -
 doc/html/man/curs_add_wchstr.3x.html       |   64 
 doc/html/man/curs_addch.3x.html            |  162 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_addchstr.3x.html         |   64 
 doc/html/man/curs_addstr.3x.html           |   66 
 doc/html/man/curs_addwstr.3x.html          |   62 
 doc/html/man/curs_attr.3x.html             |  426 ++---
 doc/html/man/curs_beep.3x.html             |   32 
 doc/html/man/curs_bkgd.3x.html             |   72 
 doc/html/man/curs_bkgrnd.3x.html           |   58 
 doc/html/man/curs_border.3x.html           |  120 -
 doc/html/man/curs_border_set.3x.html       |  158 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_clear.3x.html            |   72 
 doc/html/man/curs_color.3x.html            |  330 ++--
 doc/html/man/curs_delch.3x.html            |   38 
 doc/html/man/curs_deleteln.3x.html         |   52 
 doc/html/man/curs_extend.3x.html           |   36 
 doc/html/man/curs_get_wch.3x.html          |   96 -
 doc/html/man/curs_get_wstr.3x.html         |  126 -
 doc/html/man/curs_getcchar.3x.html         |  140 -
 doc/html/man/curs_getch.3x.html            |  192 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_getstr.3x.html           |  146 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_getyx.3x.html            |   46 
 doc/html/man/curs_in_wch.3x.html           |   34 
 doc/html/man/curs_in_wchstr.3x.html        |   62 
 doc/html/man/curs_inch.3x.html             |   70 
 doc/html/man/curs_inchstr.3x.html          |   68 
 doc/html/man/curs_initscr.3x.html          |  194 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_inopts.3x.html           |  220 +--
 doc/html/man/curs_ins_wch.3x.html          |   28 
 doc/html/man/curs_ins_wstr.3x.html         |   58 
 doc/html/man/curs_insch.3x.html            |   38 
 doc/html/man/curs_insstr.3x.html           |   60 
 doc/html/man/curs_instr.3x.html            |   54 
 doc/html/man/curs_inwstr.3x.html           |   58 
 doc/html/man/curs_kernel.3x.html           |  154 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_legacy.3x.html           |   62 
 doc/html/man/curs_memleaks.3x.html         |   52 
 doc/html/man/curs_mouse.3x.html            |  188 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_move.3x.html             |   32 
 doc/html/man/curs_opaque.3x.html           |  116 -
 doc/html/man/curs_outopts.3x.html          |  120 -
 doc/html/man/curs_overlay.3x.html          |   56 
 doc/html/man/curs_pad.3x.html              |  158 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_print.3x.html            |   34 
 doc/html/man/curs_printw.3x.html           |  104 -
 doc/html/man/curs_refresh.3x.html          |   98 -
 doc/html/man/curs_scanw.3x.html            |  120 -
 doc/html/man/curs_scr_dump.3x.html         |   66 
 doc/html/man/curs_scroll.3x.html           |   42 
 doc/html/man/curs_slk.3x.html              |  186 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_sp_funcs.3x.html         |  338 ++--
 doc/html/man/curs_termattrs.3x.html        |   98 -
 doc/html/man/curs_termcap.3x.html          |  202 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_terminfo.3x.html         |  470 +++---
 doc/html/man/curs_threads.3x.html          |   64 
 doc/html/man/curs_touch.3x.html            |   80 -
 doc/html/man/curs_trace.3x.html            |  148 +-
 doc/html/man/curs_util.3x.html             |  250 +--
 doc/html/man/curs_variables.3x.html        |  120 -
 doc/html/man/curs_window.3x.html           |  152 +-
 doc/html/man/default_colors.3x.html        |   56 
 doc/html/man/define_key.3x.html            |   22 
 doc/html/man/form.3x.html                  |  234 +--
 doc/html/man/form_cursor.3x.html           |   36 
 doc/html/man/form_data.3x.html             |   28 
 doc/html/man/form_driver.3x.html           |   90 -
 doc/html/man/form_field.3x.html            |   62 
 doc/html/man/form_field_attributes.3x.html |   56 
 doc/html/man/form_field_buffer.3x.html     |   80 -
 doc/html/man/form_field_info.3x.html       |   46 
 doc/html/man/form_field_just.3x.html       |   40 
 doc/html/man/form_field_new.3x.html        |   60 
 doc/html/man/form_field_opts.3x.html       |   50 
 doc/html/man/form_field_userptr.3x.html    |   30 
 doc/html/man/form_field_validation.3x.html |  108 -
 doc/html/man/form_fieldtype.3x.html        |  106 -
 doc/html/man/form_hook.3x.html             |   68 
 doc/html/man/form_new.3x.html              |   48 
 doc/html/man/form_new_page.3x.html         |   36 
 doc/html/man/form_opts.3x.html             |   48 
 doc/html/man/form_page.3x.html             |   66 
 doc/html/man/form_post.3x.html             |   50 
 doc/html/man/form_requestname.3x.html      |   36 
 doc/html/man/form_userptr.3x.html          |   30 
 doc/html/man/form_variables.3x.html        |   36 
 doc/html/man/form_win.3x.html              |   56 
 doc/html/man/infocmp.1m.html               |  346 ++--
 doc/html/man/infotocap.1m.html             |   38 
 doc/html/man/key_defined.3x.html           |   18 
 doc/html/man/keybound.3x.html              |   22 
 doc/html/man/keyok.3x.html                 |   28 
 doc/html/man/legacy_coding.3x.html         |   38 
 doc/html/man/menu.3x.html                  |  208 +-
 doc/html/man/menu_attributes.3x.html       |   68 
 doc/html/man/menu_cursor.3x.html           |   36 
 doc/html/man/menu_driver.3x.html           |   82 -
 doc/html/man/menu_format.3x.html           |   48 
 doc/html/man/menu_hook.3x.html             |   66 
 doc/html/man/menu_items.3x.html            |   60 
 doc/html/man/menu_mark.3x.html             |   48 
 doc/html/man/menu_new.3x.html              |   48 
 doc/html/man/menu_opts.3x.html             |   48 
 doc/html/man/menu_pattern.3x.html          |   52 
 doc/html/man/menu_post.3x.html             |   54 
 doc/html/man/menu_requestname.3x.html      |   36 
 doc/html/man/menu_spacing.3x.html          |   54 
 doc/html/man/menu_userptr.3x.html          |   30 
 doc/html/man/menu_win.3x.html              |   56 
 doc/html/man/mitem_current.3x.html         |   68 
 doc/html/man/mitem_name.3x.html            |   32 
 doc/html/man/mitem_new.3x.html             |   48 
 doc/html/man/mitem_opts.3x.html            |   46 
 doc/html/man/mitem_userptr.3x.html         |   30 
 doc/html/man/mitem_value.3x.html           |   44 
 doc/html/man/mitem_visible.3x.html         |   22 
 doc/html/man/ncurses.3x.html               | 1470 ++++++++++----------
 doc/html/man/ncurses6-config.1.html        |   48 
 doc/html/man/new_pair.3x.html              |   68 
 doc/html/man/panel.3x.html                 |  170 +-
 doc/html/man/resizeterm.3x.html            |   82 -
 doc/html/man/scr_dump.5.html               |  136 -
 doc/html/man/tabs.1.html                   |  104 -
 doc/html/man/term.5.html                   |  138 -
 doc/html/man/term.7.html                   |   56 
 doc/html/man/term_variables.3x.html        |  104 -
 doc/html/man/terminfo.5.html               | 1036 +++++++-------
 doc/html/man/tic.1m.html                   |  296 ++--
 doc/html/man/toe.1m.html                   |   74 -
 doc/html/man/tput.1.html                   |  448 +++---
 doc/html/man/tset.1.html                   |  268 +--
 doc/html/man/user_caps.5.html              |  150 +-
 doc/html/man/wresize.3x.html               |   28 
 form/READ.ME                               |    8 
 form/fld_ftchoice.c                        |    6 
 form/fld_ftlink.c                          |   10 
 form/fld_info.c                            |   12 
 form/fld_just.c                            |   12 
 form/fld_link.c                            |   12 
 form/fld_max.c                             |    8 
 form/fld_move.c                            |    8 
 form/fld_opts.c                            |   24 
 form/fld_pad.c                             |   12 
 form/fld_page.c                            |   14 
 form/fld_stat.c                            |   14 
 form/fld_type.c                            |   12 
 form/fld_user.c                            |   12 
 form/form.h                                |    6 
 form/form.priv.h                           |   14 
 form/frm_cursor.c                          |    8 
 form/frm_data.c                            |   16 
 form/frm_opts.c                            |   28 
 form/frm_page.c                            |   12 
 form/frm_req_name.c                        |   10 
 form/frm_scale.c                           |    8 
 form/frm_sub.c                             |   14 
 form/frm_user.c                            |   12 
 form/frm_win.c                             |   14 
 form/fty_enum.c                            |   38 
 form/fty_int.c                             |   28 
 form/fty_ipv4.c                            |   12 
 form/llib-lform                            |  192 +-
 form/llib-lformt                           |  192 +-
 form/llib-lformtw                          |  198 +-
 form/llib-lformw                           |  198 +-
 include/ncurses_defs                       |   10 
 include/ncurses_mingw.h                    |   14 
 include/termcap.h.in                       |   10 
 include/win32_curses.h                     |    6 
 man/MKada_config.in                        |    6 
 man/MKncu_config.in                        |    6 
 man/curs_addch.3x                          |    6 
 man/curs_bkgd.3x                           |    6 
 man/curs_color.3x                          |    6 
 man/curs_getcchar.3x                       |    6 
 man/curs_inch.3x                           |    6 
 man/curs_insstr.3x                         |    6 
 man/curs_slk.3x                            |    8 
 man/curs_terminfo.3x                       |   16 
 man/curs_touch.3x                          |    8 
 man/curs_window.3x                         |    4 
 man/infocmp.1m                             |    6 
 man/make_sed.sh                            |    6 
 man/new_pair.3x                            |   10 
 man/scr_dump.5                             |   26 
 man/terminfo.head                          |    6 
 man/terminfo.tail                          |   10 
 man/tic.1m                                 |    8 
 man/toe.1m                                 |   10 
 man/tput.1                                 |    4 
 man/tset.1                                 |    6 
 man/user_caps.5                            |    6 
 menu/READ.ME                               |    6 
 menu/llib-lmenu                            |   98 -
 menu/llib-lmenut                           |   98 -
 menu/llib-lmenutw                          |   98 -
 menu/llib-lmenuw                           |   98 -
 menu/m_attribs.c                           |   38 
 menu/m_hook.c                              |   44 
 menu/m_item_cur.c                          |   16 
 menu/m_item_nam.c                          |   12 
 menu/m_item_new.c                          |   34 
 menu/m_item_opt.c                          |   28 
 menu/m_item_top.c                          |   10 
 menu/m_item_val.c                          |   12 
 menu/m_item_vis.c                          |    8 
 menu/m_items.c                             |   18 
 menu/m_new.c                               |   18 
 menu/m_pad.c                               |   14 
 menu/m_pattern.c                           |   12 
 menu/m_req_name.c                          |   10 
 menu/m_scale.c                             |   10 
 menu/m_sub.c                               |   12 
 menu/m_win.c                               |   12 
 misc/Makefile.in                           |    4 
 misc/ncurses-config.in                     |    4 
 mk-1st.awk                                 |   48 
 mk-2nd.awk                                 |    6 
 mk-hdr.awk                                 |    8 
 ncurses/Makefile.in                        |    6 
 ncurses/README.IZ                          |    6 
 ncurses/base/keyok.c                       |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_addch.c                   |    4 
 ncurses/llib-lncurses                      | 1302 ++++++++---------
 ncurses/llib-lncursest                     | 1304 ++++++++---------
 ncurses/llib-lncursestw                    | 1784 ++++++++++++------------
 ncurses/llib-lncursesw                     | 1782 ++++++++++++------------
 ncurses/llib-ltic                          |   48 
 ncurses/llib-ltict                         |   48 
 ncurses/llib-ltictw                        |   48 
 ncurses/llib-lticw                         |   48 
 ncurses/llib-ltinfo                        |  268 +--
 ncurses/llib-ltinfot                       |  270 +--
 ncurses/llib-ltinfotw                      |  284 +--
 ncurses/llib-ltinfow                       |  282 +--
 ncurses/tinfo/alloc_ttype.c                |    4 
 ncurses/tinfo/read_entry.c                 |    6 
 ncurses/tinfo/read_termcap.c               |    6 
 ncurses/tinfo/tinfo_driver.c               |    6 
 ncurses/tinfo/trim_sgr0.c                  |    6 
 ncurses/trace/lib_trace.c                  |    8 
 ncurses/tty/MKexpanded.sh                  |    6 
 ncurses/wcwidth.h                          |    2 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_add_wch.c             |    6 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_cchar.c               |    4 
 package/debian-mingw/changelog             |    4 
 package/debian-mingw64/changelog           |    4 
 package/debian/changelog                   |    4 
 package/mingw-ncurses.nsi                  |    4 
 package/mingw-ncurses.spec                 |    2 
 package/ncurses.spec                       |    2 
 package/ncursest.spec                      |    2 
 panel/llib-lpanel                          |   22 
 panel/llib-lpanelt                         |   22 
 panel/llib-lpaneltw                        |   22 
 panel/llib-lpanelw                         |   22 
 panel/p_bottom.c                           |    6 
 panel/p_new.c                              |    6 
 panel/p_show.c                             |    6 
 panel/p_user.c                             |    6 
 progs/infocmp.c                            |    4 
 test/aclocal.m4                            |   30 
 test/bs.6                                  |    6 
 test/bs.c                                  |    4 
 test/configure                             |  193 +-
 test/listused.sh                           |    6 
 test/make-tar.sh                           |    8 
 test/package/mingw-ncurses-examples.spec   |   10 
 test/redraw.c                              |    4 
 test/xterm-16color.dat                     |    6 
 298 files changed, 13854 insertions(+), 13799 deletions(-)
        + improve configure-macro used for dependencies of --disable-leaks such
          as --with-valgrind
        + trim trailing blanks from files

@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@
-       + call delay_output_sp to handle BSD-style padding when tputs_sp is 
        + call delay_output_sp to handle BSD-style padding when tputs_sp is

Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>

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