Le 02/03/2020 à 12:54, Pavel Stehule a écrit :
> po 2. 3. 2020 v 12:19 odesílatel Marc Rechté <address@hidden
> <mailto:address@hidden>> napsal:
> Hi,
> I don't know where to post that question.
> I need a non blocking version of getch, so I set nodelay(stdscr, TRUE)
> However the standard delay for distinguishing "esc" key from
> "functions"
> keys pressed is too high IMO.
> According to man page, timeout() is not the function to use for that
> purpose.
> Is there an alternative to setting ESCDELAY environment variable before
> launching the program ?
> for some not too old ncurses
> set_escdelay(25);
> #endif
> Thanks
OK, why is man page (Routine Name Index) not showing this function ?
curs_threads - curses thread support
#include <curses.h>
typedef int (*NCURSES_WINDOW_CB)(WINDOW *, void *);
typedef int (*NCURSES_SCREEN_CB)(SCREEN *, void *);
int get_escdelay(void);
int set_escdelay(int size);
int set_tabsize(int size);
int use_screen(SCREEN *scr, NCURSES_SCREEN_CB func, void *data);
int use_window(WINDOW *win, NCURSES_WINDOW_CB func, void *data);
I see it. Probably it depends on age of your ncurses's library