Hi, again.
I found an error with my compilation. Is is related with "stdscr". I don´t know what it is. However the forms, menus and ncurses programs appear ok, the panels programs have problems at building because of "stdscr".
I tested them at DevCpp IDE with MinGW 4.7.0.
I tested the building of ncurses 5.9-20120903 from
at DevCpp IDE, but it is not ok for the "hello world" program from "ncurses_programs" (got
from http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO/ncurses_programs.tar.gz ). The error is about "...nc_stdscr...".
Furthermore, I tested the compiled programs from the test directory of the ncurses library and they appear ok.
By the way, I don´t know if I am
Can anyone help me with it, please?
Best Regards,
--- Em seg, 3/9/12, daniel silva ferreira bruno <address@hidden> escreveu:
De: daniel silva ferreira bruno <address@hidden> Assunto: Re: My results for the compilation (building!) of the ncurses 5.9-20120901 at mingw... Para: address@hidden Data: Segunda-feira, 3 de Setembro de 2012, 18:52
I am sorry, because I think that I should to use the libtool and the ncurses 5.9-20120902.
By the way, I will to do a better building of this version of the ncurses library.
Best Regards.
--- Em dom, 2/9/12, daniel silva ferreira bruno
<address@hidden> escreveu:
De: daniel silva ferreira bruno <address@hidden> Assunto: My results for the compilation (building!) of the ncurses 5.9-20120901 at mingw... Para: address@hidden Data: Domingo, 2 de Setembro de 2012, 13:38
I compiled the 5.9-20120901 version of the ncurses library at mingw with a modified recipe of the file "README.MinGW".
At the configure script, I
" ./configure --without-ada --enable-warnings --enable-assertions --enable-reentrant --with-debug --with-normal --disable-home-terminfo --enable-sp-funcs --enable-term-driver
--enable-interop --with-pthread " For the rest, I used the usual steps.
I need that someone test it, please.
Best Regards,
Obs.: I am sorry because I tried to sent a previous message with the compiled progs for the ncurses (like tic.exe, toe.exe, tset.exe, etc.), but I didn´t know that it is forbidden. And I don't know if they are needful.
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