On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 09:34:01PM +0000, Tjareson wrote:
Sentinel <sentinel.2001 <at> gmx.com> writes:
I have been studying some apps that
ncurses and found that none of them use multiline. Most just invoke vim or
write their own.
Thus, at the time of set_field_buffer and field_buffer if data
transformation can be done so a file can be read and set in, and then
saved out, and it remains as is, it would be great.
I'm currently implementing an application using ncurses and also tried to use a
multiline field to edit longer texts.
Is there any solution to that issue? I have the problem that I can edit properly
in a multiline field, I even can load a TEXT-field from MYSQL into it and it
gets displayed properly (also with new lines etc.)
But I was never able to get more back from a multiline field that the first row.
Someone wrote there is an application-wise workaround for that. Any ideas what
to do solve that issue?
The example "demo_forms" seems to work - I'm not sure what issue you're
reporting. (A short sample program might help).